>make fat_imgen.exe make: fat_imgen.exe: Command not found make: *** [all] Error 127 If I run fat_imgen from that same command prompt then it starts as expected - why can't make find fat_imgen.exe? This is all running under Mingw / Windows. windows makefile mingw Share Impr...
-G 'Unix Makefiles' -DUSE_SDL2_LIBS=1 bash: cmake: command not found Owner mmatyas commented Jan 2, 2019 Ah there's the issue: Sola@Sola MSYS /c/supermariowar/build You should launch the "MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit" command prompt, which adds /mingw32/bin to your PATH. 👍 7 Aut...
如何在windows的gitbash中运行"make“命令? 、、、 有人能帮助我使用"make“命令在windows中运行Makefile吗?当我试图从git bash运行时,会出现以下错误,$:make:命令找不到是否有在gitbash或其他什么地方安装此工具,或是否有任何其他窗口工具我需要使用? 浏览4提问于2021-03-08得票数 15 回答已采纳 4回答 未指定...
I am receiving an error message stating The command "Make" is not currently available. I have a new laptop using Windows 10. I was previously on Windows 7. I upgraded to the latest version of Photoshop CC(Release 19.0) however reverting back to previous availab...
[Not Fixed] January 28, 2025, Windows 11 Version 24H2, KB5050094 Cumulative Update Problems: Update fails to install with 0x80246019 error code | frozen updates KB5050094 was primarily designed to fix the glaring audio and Bluetooth problems in the preceding update, KB5050009. If you’ve su...
对于Windows系统,您可以下载并安装MinGW或MSYS2包管理器,并使用它们来安装gcc。 安装完gcc后,请重新运行命令gcc --version来确认安装成功。 解决方案2:配置符号链接 如果已经安装了gcc,并且在运行gcc --version命令时也没有出现错误,那么问题可能是由于cc未正确链接到gcc导致的。 在大多数情况下,cc是一个链接到gcc...
The command will download theWindows 10 Debloaterapp that will help you eliminate a couple of unwanted bloatware on your PC. Don’t worry, we tested it on Windows 11, and it works fine. We now recommenddisabling Cortana(if you don’t use it, of course),uninstalling OneDrive(same here),...
How to make a bootable USB in Windows 10/11 Some users may want to create a bootable USB in Windows 10 so as to boot and fix computer even when it fails. This is not difficult to achieve, but it's better to figure out your specific needs before you start. Basically, there are 2 ...
Bypass -Command"& {Get-WindowsDriver -Online -ScratchDirectory C:\Scrtch | Sort ProviderName | Format-Table Driver,ProviderName,ClassName,BootCritical,OriginalFileName -AutoSize | Out-String -Stream}"REM Create a UTF-8 Text File That Lists All 3rd-Party Drivers on an Online ...
1.dbca:提示command not found 解决方案 database软件安装无错误,是环境变量(/home/oracle/.bash_profile)設置有問題 2.sqlplus / as sysdba : bash: sqlplus: command not found... 解决方案 也是环境变量(/home/oracle/.bash_profile)設置有問題