, 'flask' 'flask', 'toml', 'rich' ] classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', @@ -53,4 +55,5 @@ detect-image-aid = "nudecrawler.scripts.detect_image_aid:main" detect-image-nsfw-api = "nudecrawler.scripts.detect_image_nsfw_api:main"...
Flask(请求和响应 五)
flaskr.py #all the importsimportsqlite3fromflaskimportFlask, request, session, g, redirect,url_for, abort, render_template, flash#this module is used to auto-closing context session when \#sql database operation is finished#it has the same function of " xxx.close() "###con = sqlite3.c...
Embeddable map with basic features 3-day delivery 1 Revision Continue Compare packages I will make web gis map using openlayers, leaflet, mapbox, or google maps API B Kuni Level 1 2 orders in queue 5.0 About this gig This gig is for you, if: ...
To create an API server with Flask, use the following script: from flask import Flask from flask import jsonify app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def root(): return jsonify( app_name="Top 10 Python Tools", app_user="ActiveState" ...
- Installing flask (3.0.3) - Installing google-crc32c (1.6.0) - Installing grpcio-status (1.62.3) - Installing hpack (4.0.0) - Installing google-api-core (2.22.0) - Installing gymnasium (1.0.0) - Installing babel (2.16.0) - Installing httplib2 (0.22.0) ...
Disclaimer: This project does NOT have Typescript, and migrating to it would be a huge task. Although if there are no better solutions, then I wouldn't mind if somebody answered how to solve the problem with Typescript without having to adapt thewholeproject to it. ...
run_until_complete(future) return str(response) except SlackApiError as e: return make_response(str(e), 400) Example #21Source File: resources.py From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes def rotation_speculation_files(changes_type: str) -> Response: out = ...
One of the things I discovered when first introduced toVue.jswas the use of a fake REST API tool calledjson-server. At first it was like some form of black magic that I had never known existed. I thought to myself, “How long has this been around, and how much time could I have...
We’ve successfully built the very first part in a program that could be used as an API to generate memes automatically. By hooking up our program to something like Flask, we could display a web page allowing for users to upload their own images, and get back fully complete memes. ...