A simple Flask application demonstrating authentication, SQLAlchemy ORM, and a REST API. Links & Resources: Getting Started with Flask Flask Cheatsheet Database Migrations in Flask Features User authentication (login/register/logout) Public and protected routes SQLite database with SQLAlchemy ORM REST...
rm \ --name sl-migration \ -v $(pwd)/sl:/sl \ -v $(pwd)/sl/upload:/code/static/upload \ -v $(pwd)/dkim.key:/dkim.key \ -v $(pwd)/dkim.pub.key:/dkim.pub.key \ -v $(pwd)/simplelogin.env:/code/.env \ --network="sl-network" \ simplelogin/app:3.4.0 flask db ...
ovhai app run --name flask-app \ --token <token> \ --default-http-port 5000 \ -e API_URL=<RasaURL_Previously_Copied> \ --cpu 2 \ <yourdockerhubId>/flask-app-frontend:latest Copy That's it! On the URL of this app, you can speak to your chatbot. Try to have ...
sudo docker run --rm \ --name sl-migration \ -v $(pwd)/sl:/sl \ -v $(pwd)/dkim.key:/dkim.key \ -v $(pwd)/dkim.pub.key:/dkim.pub.key \ -v $(pwd)/simplelogin.env:/code/.env \ --network="sl-network" \ simplelogin/app:3.2.2 flask db upgrade...
simple_api_example_flaskPr**er 上传 Python 专业发展的烧瓶样板 特征 大量的文档。 与Pipenv集成以进行软件包管理。 通过$ pipenv run deploy快速部署到heroku。 使用.env文件。 用于数据库抽象SQLAlchemy集成。 安装(如果您使用的是gitpod,则为自动) 重要提示:boiplerplate是针对python 3.7制作的,但您可以轻松...
Starting a Simple Flask Application From ScratchTAGS: FLASK As introduced in the previous article, we’re going to build a web app using Python and Flask. It’s going to interact with the Spotify API and show the album image of the currently playing song for a logged-in user. The ...
If we need to call the API from a web page from a different domain. We need to enable CORS. Here are the steps to do this: Install Flask Cors: pip install Flask_Cors. Enable CORS for the app. from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin cors = CORS(app) app.config['CORS_HEADERS']...
开发者ID:inveniosoftware,项目名称:flask-iiif,代码行数:37,代码来源:simple.py 示例3: _UserSessions ▲点赞 4▼ # 需要导入模块: from werkzeug.contrib.cache import SimpleCache [as 别名]# 或者: from werkzeug.contrib.cache.SimpleCache importset[as 别名]class_UserSessions(object):def__init__(self...
次の手順では、ECSインスタンスでFlaskフレームワークを使用してミニプログラムを構築し、アプリケーションサーバーからSTSトークンを取得する方法について説明します。 ECS インスタンスに接続します。 詳細については、「コンソールでのECSインスタンスの作成と管理 ...
() # flask init app = flask.Flask(__name__) # instrumentation init FlaskInstrumentor().instrument_app(app) RequestsInstrumentor().instrument() @app.route("/") def hello(): tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__) with tracer.start_as_current_span("reques...