使用的方法是要在bash中使用export或者在csh中使用set命令设置或者CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=/home/includecmake …等方式。 这两个变量指的是,如果头文件没有存放在常规路径中,比如(/usr/include,/usr/local/include等),则可以通过这些变量来弥补。 之前在CMakeList.txt中使用了INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(/usr/include/hello)...
Bash 4cd impls/bash bash stepX_YYY.sh BASIC (C64 and QBasic)The BASIC implementation uses a preprocessor that can generate BASIC code that is compatible with both C64 BASIC (CBM v2) and QBasic. The C64 mode has been tested with cbmbasic (the patched version is currently required to ...
amyzon amys hobby amÉrica mÓvil an a la carte menu of an abbreviated list a an ability to impleme an absolute embarrass an absorbing movie an accident happened an account mostly fal an act of censorship an act of grace an active admit an active law an actress dream an adopted daughter...
构建上述CMakeLists.txt通过一个bash脚本文件执行,见下: 22、 //示例4: 23、 //bash脚本: 24、 //先定义myenv环境变量,并打印 25、 export myenv=first 26、 echo myenv is now $myenv 27、 // 基于CMakeList.txt生成一个构建系统 28、 cmake -B build . 29、 cd build 30、 //基修改myenv...
# To see a list of typical targets execute "make help" # More info can be located in ./README # Comments in this file are targeted only to the developer, do not # expect to learn how to build the kernel reading this file.$...
When the mighty Kong breaks loose from those chrome-steel chains, when that giant ape bursts through the faade of the swanky Broadway theater to leap into a crowded Times Square—the beating heart of New York City, go-go capital of the m... KirkCombe,BrendaBoyle - Palgrave Macmillan US...
Adding Splash to a Birthday Bash. (Feature) Bank anniversaries offer a pool full of public relations opportunities. All it takes is careful planning and a little media savvy. Here's how one community savings bank in connecticut dived in headfirst and came up with handfuls of free ... W Al...
# bash中执行 make, 可以看出虽然 OBJS1 是在 OBJS2 之后定义的, 但在 OBJS2中可以提前使用 $ make programA.o programB.o programC.o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 测试:= # Makefile内容 OBJS2 := $(OBJS1) programC.o ...
/bin/bashmkdir -p buildcdbuild cmake .. make #!/bin/bash声明使用bash来执行脚本 mkdir -p build在根目录创建build文件夹,如果存在则不创建。 后面的指令则是进入build文件夹去执行根目录的CMakeList.txt。 执行build.sh 为build.sh添加执行权限。
//示例4://bash脚本://先定义myenv环境变量,并打印exportmyenv=first echo myenv is now $myenv// 基于CMakeList.txt生成一个构建系统cmake-Bbuild.cd build//基修改myenv环境变量,并打印exportmyenv=second echo myenv is now $myenv//开始构建cmake--build. ...