Job description, which helps you learn about the job information in the training job list. Choosing a Boot Mode (Preset Image) If you use a preset image to create a training job, select a boot mode by referring toTable 2. Table 2Creating a training job using a preset image ...
checking intermediate files, checking if those intermediate files have anything in them, checking return/error codes, gzipping, deleting temporary files, converting sam to bam, etc.genopypeis a Python package I've developed for creating these bash pipelines quickly, in Python (v2.7+ & 3.5+), ...
realm list type: kerberos realm-name: HUAWEI.COM domain-name: configured: kerberos-member server-software: active-directory client-software: sssd required-package: oddjob required-package: oddjob-mkhomedir required-package: sssd required-package: adcli required-package: samba-...
realm list type: kerberos realm-name: HUAWEI.COM domain-name: configured: kerberos-member server-software: active-directory client-software: sssd required-package: oddjob required-package: oddjob-mkhomedir required-package: sssd required-package: adcli required-package: sam...
Now it’s time to test the function and you can do that right in the same window where you’re coding the function. To the right of the code editor are two tabbed panes. One displays the list of files related to the function. By default, there are only two, the run.csx file I’...
Now it’s time to test the function and you can do that right in the same window where you’re coding the function. To the right of the code editor are two tabbed panes. One displays the list of files related to the function. By default, there are only two, the...
In addition, you can run thedocker imagescommand to view the local image list. Compile a Dockerfile for building a custom image. This example uses a TensorFlow 1.13.2 image. The file name istf-1.13.2.dockerfile. Run thevi tf-1.13.2.dockerfilecommand to switch to the Dockerfile. ...
Click the button again to close the property list. Environments You can partition your visualization space with envs. By default, every user will have an env called main. New envs can be created in the UI or programmatically. The state of envs is chronically saved. Environments are able...
I need to automate the following process: I have a list of ip address for printers in a file called iplist.txt, I need to take that list and run the command snmpget -v 1 -c public ip address sysName.0 for each ip address to see if the printer is running snmp, I want to the ...
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