1. 检查系统环境变量设置 如果make已经安装,但是仍然收到“bash: make: command not found”的错误,可能是因为make的可执行文件路径没有添加到系统的环境变量中。您可以通过以下步骤检查: 打开命令提示符(CMD)或Bash。 输入echo %PATH%(Windows CMD)或echo $PATH(Bash)。 检查输出中是否包含了make的安装路径。 2...
msys2提示:-bash: cmake: command not found 在WINDOWS上,想用msys2编译个东西,结果报错。怎么办?使用命令安装: pacman-Scmake 1.
由于某些原因,make命令给我一个错误: bashmake: command not found。我检查了一下,在我的bin文件夹中,没有make.exe。有人能在这方面帮我吗?我真的需要make在CYGWIN工作。我不想用windows xp。 浏览1提问于2011-01-28得票数77 回答已采纳 1回答
重新运行安装程序, 在搜索栏目之中输入make搜索.
This my 1st time trying to compile a project. I'm following building instructions of MSYS2 Method Building-on-Windows but I'm facing this error. Cmake command is not found $ cmake .. -G 'Unix Makefiles' -DUSE_SDL2_LIBS=1 bash: cmake: com...
How to fix ‘cmake’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file error in Windows How to install CMake in Docker End note Other helpful articles Why am I getting the “cmake: command not found” error?
OS_RELEASE:操作系统子类型,例如Windows Professional。 OS_VERSION:操作系统构建ID。 OS_PLATFORM:处理器架构,Windows下可以通过PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE变量获取,Unix/Linux/macOS等平台可以通过uname -m或uname -p获取。也可以通过CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR变量获取。
bash: mingw64-make: command not found dmlc/xgboostPublic Notifications Fork8.7k Star25.5k New issue ghostopened this issueJun 4, 2016· 2 comments ghostcommentedJun 4, 2016 when I building on windows,there is an error. please help me. thx...
1, 在 cygwin 下创建用户(及用户组) bin, 然后再 make install。 至于如何在 cygwin 下创建用户就自己上网搜吧,不过挺麻烦的,要现在 windows 下创建,然后再运行 mkpasswd等等 2, 修改 makefile, 在你的这个软件目录下找一个叫 makefile 或者 Makefile 或 MAKEFILE 之类的东西,你应该能够...
> I am running under Windows 95 (command.com... not bash). > When I run make, I get the following error: > > MAKE.EXE: /bin/sh: Command not found > Make expects to find that /bin/sh program. It's not something you can get ...