aThis recommendation will be reviewed yearly and also if the relevant legislations are revised. During these reviews, necessary updates to the recommendation will be made. As the legislative situation changes, this recommendation may become deactivated in the future and full reports according to ...
Lack of relevant background knowledge of the user. Hot Wallet Compared to a cold wallet, a hot wallet has basically all the risks that a cold wallet would have. Plus, there is one more: the risk of theft of the secret phrase (or private key). At this point there are more security ...
legislation such as Pay Equity, Pay Transparency and others like Bill 124 and the BP SECA act for public sector workers. So, with all of this information that is more readily available and with certain legislation impacting employee’s compensation offering, it puts pressure on empl...
Lack of relevant background knowledge of the user. Hot Wallet Compared to a cold wallet, a hot wallet has basically all the risks that a cold wallet would have. Plus, there is one more: the risk of theft of the secret phrase (or private key). At this point there are more security ...
It is problably more relevant to identify the drivers of this growing interest. The main drivers are related to general agricultural and environmental policies, but other driving factors are more specific to the biostimulants sector. Regarding the first aspect, there is an increasing awareness of ...
In contrast, water level changes may be relevant at the short time scale when strong winds induce increased wave action leading to resuspension of sediments and—in case of westerly winds at the Wulka Delta—mobilization of fecal bacteria retained in the red belt into the lake....
relevant safety harbours will remain applicable to these products. 不過,為股本或 債務資本集資目的而發出的股份或債權證的公開要約,會繼續由《公 司條例》規管,而有關安全港亦會繼 續適 用於這些產品。 In respect of the proposed statutory PSI disclosure regime, the mai...
Depending on where you live, there will be various pieces of legislation that dictate pay equity in the workplace. In the province of Ontario, this comes in the form of the Pay Equity Act. This ensures that employers follow the minimum requirements for implementing equity in compensation. ...
This program spreads awareness about the importance of recycling and informs companies about relevant methods and procedures. Since this agency has been created, we have observed a significant evolution in the implementation of laws and legislative rules relating to waste management in Tunisia. These ...
For the 51 selected articles, we created a spreadsheet with all the relevant information to support the research and served as a basis for the driver’s identification. During the analysis process, we consider the perspectives, multiplicity, and plurality of approaches, order and summarize the info...