This Law vests underground water and all surface water running to waste from any river, spring or watercourse and all other waste water to the Government. The written permission of the DO is required before any such water is taken or used. Permits can impose conditions and restrictions as nec...
On the other hand, in Italy, the management of medical waste is regulated by Presidential Decree No. 254 of 15 July 2003 (Presidente della Repubblica 2003), while the management of waste more generally—and therefore also of pharmaceutical packaging—is regulated by Legislative Decree No. 152/20...
we also expect the SEC to on its own initiative take a more proactive approach toward ESG reporting, whether through additional rulemaking or guidance or both. To date, much of the SEC rulemaking is this area – such as that relating to conflict minerals, resource ...
These improvements include additional safety features, lower waste yields, and operational flexibility that can complement integration with intermittent renewable energy or energy storage. One category of advanced reactors, small modular reactors (SMR), is of particular interest; SMRs hold the potential ...
This bill provides that this prohibition does not require a privately owned or operated solid waste facility to accept certain waste, does not allow a privately owned solid waste facility to abrogate certain agreements, does not prohibit a city, county, or a regional agency from requiring a ...
mining, like other mining, can be an energy-intensive endeavor. It is important to study this issue to determine the best ways in which we can leverage this technology to help us move closer to our common climate goals by deploying more renewable and clean energy and reducing energy waste. ...
The relevantLegislation and Regulationsin terms of which borrowing decisions are governed is Local Government Municipal Finance Management Act, No 56 of 2003. It is recognized that all standards established under theLegislation and Regulationsconstitute minimum acceptable practices to be improved upon by ...
2.Study on Management Legislation of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment;电子废弃物管理立法研究 英文短句/例句 1.An Exploration About the Purpose and Procedure of Legislation;立法目的、立法程序探析——兼评《立法法》 2.Of or relating to the enactment of laws.(关于)立法的立法的或关于立法的 3...
to manure, sewage sludge, municipal solid waste and biodegradable waste originating from Biomass non-fossilised and biodegradable organic material originating from indigenous plants, animals and micro- organisms including but not limited to products, by- products, residues and waste from agriculture, ...
Waste management legislation largely follows risk considerations—a 1:1 transfer of hazard classifications of chemicals and products to waste management would be counterproductive to achieving the Commission’s objectives. In the case of contaminated secondary raw materials, their input into products can ...