main idea and supporting details:主要思想和支持细节 下载积分: 2500 内容提示: Main Idea and Supporting DetailsMain Idea and Supporting DetailsThird Grade SPI 0301.6.2 Identify the stated main idea in a selection. SPI 0301.6.4 Identify main idea and supporting details in a text. 文档格式:PPT...
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Find a variety of resources to help teach main idea and supporting details to your upper elementary classroom - includes a free slideshow and printables!
U03-1_Distinguishing Main Ideas and Supporting Details 热度: MainIdea&SupportingDetails WashPublishingCo.2009 MainIdea Themainideaisthe“bigpoint”orthemostimportantideathatthewriteriscommunicatingtothereader. Oftenthereadercanfindthemainideajustbylookingatthetitle. ...
U03-1_Distinguishing Main Ideas and Supporting Details 热度: TeachingMainIdea, TeachingMainIdea, Theme,andDetails Theme,andDetails throughyour throughyour curriculum curriculum Reading Reading MainIdea •Everystoryorparagraphhasamain idea. •Themainideatellsyouwhatthe ...
Learn about the main idea, or main point, and supporting details of a story. Learn to identify the main idea and supporting details and review an...
MAIN IDEAS AND SUPPORTING Learning Assistance Center University of Hawaii, Manoa MAIN IDEAS AND SUPPORTING DETAILS DEFINITION OF A PARAGRAPH • A group or specially and intentionally related sentences; a thought unit;sentences that revolve around a single idea and is a writer’s attempt to ...
Main Idea and Supporting Details 段落支撑 MainIdea&SupportingDetails WashPublishingCo.2009 MainIdea •Themainideaisthe“bigpoint”orthemostimportantideathatthewriteriscommunicatingtothereader.•Oftenthereadercanfindthemainideajustbylookingatthetitle.•Forexample,apassagetitled:“WhyStudentsShouldHaveLess...
Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text. CCSSRI.5.2 Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.
U03-1_Distinguishing Main Ideas and Supporting Details 热度: MainIdeaandMainIdeaand SupportingDetailsSupportingDetails MainIdeaandMainIdeaand SupportingDetailsSupportingDetails ThirdGradeThirdGrade SPI0301.6.2IdentifythestatedSPI0301.6.2Identifythestated