main idea and supporting details:主要思想和支持细节 下载积分: 2500 内容提示: Main Idea and Supporting DetailsMain Idea and Supporting DetailsThird Grade SPI 0301.6.2 Identify the stated main idea in a selection. SPI 0301.6.4 Identify main idea and supporting details in a text. 文档格式:PPT...
Topic, Main Idea, Supporting Detail, and Theme的主题,主要思想,详细的支持,和主题 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 1670阅读文档大小:62.01K9页复旦文库上传于2013-11-24格式:PDF [英语学习]Topic_ Main Idea and Supporting Details 热度: Topic-and-main-idea-(主题与中心思想) ...
Here shows a main idea and supporting details example made by Edraw. Users can directly add their required information on this template to make a new main idea and supporting details chart.
Find a variety of resources to help teach main idea and supporting details to your upper elementary classroom - includes a free slideshow and printables!
Theme,andDetails throughyour throughyour curriculum curriculum Reading Reading MainIdea •Everystoryorparagraphhasamain idea. •Themainideatellsyouwhatthe storyismainlyabout. •Themainideaisthemostimportant partofastoryorparagraph. SupportingDetails ...
Learn about the main idea, or main point, and supporting details of a story. Learn to identify the main idea and supporting details and review an...
Main Idea and Supporting Details 段落支撑 MainIdea&SupportingDetails WashPublishingCo.2009 MainIdea •Themainideaisthe“bigpoint”orthemostimportantideathatthewriteriscommunicatingtothereader.•Oftenthereadercanfindthemainideajustbylookingatthetitle.•Forexample,apassagetitled:“WhyStudentsShouldHaveLess...
Topic--Main-Idea-and-Supporting-Details Topic,MainIdeaandSupportingDetails ByLiuRong Whatwillyoulearntoday?1.whattopic,mainideaandsupportingdetailsare 2.Howtodistinguishtopic,mainideaandsupportingdetails 3.howtofindouttopicsentenceandimpliedmainidea 4.Howtoidentifythepatternsofdetails Mainideaisalsocalled Wha...
PDF Pages 7 pages $3.00 Deb Hanson 47.7kFollowers What educators are saying This was incredible for a day when we needed some reteaching of main idea and supporting details. I left this for a sub and the students were very engaged!
SupportingDetailsSupportingDetails ThirdGradeThirdGrade SPI0301.6.2IdentifythestatedSPI0301.6.2Identifythestated mainideainaselection.mainideainaselection. SPI0301.6.4IdentifymainideaSPI0301.6.4Identifymainidea andsupportingdetailsinatext.andsupportingdetailsinatext. ...