Revi ew Topic- the subject of a passage Main I dea- the main point the author is trying to convey Supporting Details- The details the author uses to support the main idea Theme- the central idea or perception that the author conveys in a passage ...
文档标签: Main Ideas and Supporting Details Introduction - in2edu 系统标签: ideas main supporting details introduction paragraph ©In2Edu2001http://.in2eduforfreelearningresources.Youmaycopyforusewithinaschool.Donotpassontootherschools.–pleasegivethemouraddressforthemtodownload.Page1of10MainIdeasand...
main idea and supporting details:主要思想和支持细节 下载积分:2500 内容提示: Main Idea and Supporting DetailsMain Idea and Supporting DetailsThird Grade SPI 0301.6.2 Identify the stated main idea in a selection. SPI 0301.6.4 Identify main idea and supporting details in a text. 文档格式:PPT ...
Find a variety of resources to help teach main idea and supporting details to your upper elementary classroom - includes a free slideshow and printables!
Learning Assistance Center University of Hawaii, Manoa MAIN IDEAS AND SUPPORTING DETAILS DEFINITION OF A PARAGRAPH • A group or specially and intentionally related sentences; a thought unit; sentences that revolve around a single idea and is a writer’s attempt to develop an idea or part of ...
Main Idea and Supporting Details 段落支撑 MainIdea&SupportingDetails WashPublishingCo.2009 MainIdea •Themainideaisthe“bigpoint”orthemostimportantideathatthewriteriscommunicatingtothereader.•Oftenthereadercanfindthemainideajustbylookingatthetitle.•Forexample,apassagetitled:“WhyStudentsShouldHaveLess...
Topic--Main-Idea-and-Supporting-Details Topic,MainIdeaandSupportingDetails ByLiuRong Whatwillyoulearntoday?1.whattopic,mainideaandsupportingdetailsare 2.Howtodistinguishtopic,mainideaandsupportingdetails 3.howtofindouttopicsentenceandimpliedmainidea 4.Howtoidentifythepatternsofdetails Mainideaisalsocalled Wha...
Topic, main idea & supporting details2014秋 Topic,MainIdeaandSupportingDetails Dec.8,2014 •Topicthegeneralsubjectofapieceofwritingawordorafewwords •Mainidea thepointacompletesentence •Supportingdetails particularpiecesofinformationaboutthetopicphrasessentencesConsistency •TwoMoreReps,Ma!Topic:Weight-...
1.Statement of the main idea.2.Elaboration of the main idea and supporting details.3.Restatement of the main idea-summary of main ideas or conclusions. TOPIC The topic is the subject that the selection is about. The main idea can usually be located if you can determine what the topic is...
ppt课件-mainideaandsupportingdetails.ppt,Main Idea and Supporting Details Third Grade SPI 0301.6.2 Identify the stated main idea in a selection. SPI 0301.6.4 Identify main idea and supporting details in a text. Main Idea Every story or paragraph has a ma