On the other hand, Ampere's law describes the global relationship between the current and the magnetic flux density. The magnetic flux density is expressed by the curl of the vector potential and has a nature of a field with no divergence. The virtual surface on which the vector potential ...
The FTI-FCL consisted of a pancake coil as the primary winding and a YBCO disc as the secondary winding. Normally, the magnetic flux generated by the current flowing through the primary coil is canceled out by that generated by the eddy current induced in the YBCO disc, which reduces the ...
Magnetic Flux In subject area: Mathematics Inductance is defined as the ratio of magnetic flux to current and describes how much magnetic energy can be stored in an inductor. From: Solid State Physics, 2013 About this pageAdd to MendeleySet alert Also in subject areas: Chemistry Engineering Phys...
magnetic fluxflux robemagnetic substormsrelationshipinterplanetary magnetic fieldsFlux ropes have been observed to occur at all X_GSM distances between -20 and -240 R_E. During its first flyby of the Earth, Galileo observed several flux ropes between the X_GSM distances of -68 and -58 R_E....
The singularities of an irrotational magnetic field are lines of electric current. This property derives from the relationship between vector fields and the topology of the underlying three-space and allows for a definition of {cosmic field} flux tubes and flux ropes as extit{cores} (in the sen...
The reading of the flux meter is related to the position of the sample in the measuring coil. The calibration of the test coil requires a constant current to test the size of the magnetic field in a zero magnetic field environment, and then the constant of the test coil is obtained....
The in-between zone is the current sheet associated with the reversal of the magnetic field. Such experimental set-up allows studying the reconnection between two flux tubes, with a tunable relative orientation. Fig. 1: Setup of the experiment and simulations, and proton radiography results. ...
aMagnetic flux penetrates type-Ⅱ superconductors in the form of Abrikosov vortices that arrange to a more or less regular flux-line lattice (FLL) which is pinned by inhomogeneities of the material. If the local current density j exceeds a critical value j, 磁性焊剂击穿类型Ⅱ superconductors以安...
Fig. 1. Collision of relativistic heavy ions produces a hot QCD matter penetrated by the flux of a strong magnetic field. Show moreView article EARTH STRUCTURE AND ORIGINS G.J.H. McCall, in Encyclopedia of Geology, 2005 Magnetic Field The Earth's magnetic field is environmentally critical bec...
Accordingly, we describe the role and relationship of solar magnetic elements of different magnetic flux strengths to explain the statistical structuring of the solar atmosphere with the butterfly body over the solar cycle.Similar content being viewed by others The solar dynamo begins near the ...