A plot of magnetic flux (phi) versus current (I) is shown for two indu... 01:05 Fig shows three point charges +2q, -q and + 3q, What is the electric ... 01:25 A glass lens of refractive index 1.45 when immersed in a transparent l... 01:04 What is the ratio of radii of...
air navigation plotti air new zealand ltd air non toxic air nunavut air oil drive air opposition air particle monitor air pasang air peluh air pilot air pilots flight eng air pollution control air pollution survey air power hammer air pressure rate air products and chem air proofair proof air...
Model results showing a plot of electric field versus current density for YBCO. The current density is shown in log-scale. The electric field is zero below the critical current density of 1.7 x 107amps per square meter, which indicates the superconducting regime of operation. The ratio of elec...
These data are shown in the top panel of Fig. 6 along with other measurements from experiments at similar energies. We also show on this plot times series of He (second panel), NM count rates (third panel), and Solar modulation values calculated from these count rates (fourth panel). ...
A straight line obtained from the plot of log qe versus log Ce confirms the applicability of the Freundlich isotherm. Furthermore, by neglecting extremely low and high concentrations, the Temkin model assumes that the heat of adsorption of all molecules in the adsorbent layer decreases linearly rat...
A method to measure the superconducting (SC) stiffness tensor ρ¯s, without subjecting the sample to external magnetic field, is applied to La1.875Sr0.125CuO4. The method is based on the London equation J=−ρ¯sA, where J is the current density and A is the vector potential which...
Soft magnetic materials (SMMs) serve in electrical applications and sustainable energy supply, allowing magnetic flux variation in response to changes in applied magnetic field, at low energy loss1. The electrification of transport, households and manufa
For each star, we plot the model radius and model 𝑇effTeff as a function of time for standard stellar evolution models from [25] (black lines), magnetic stellar evolution models with 〈𝐵𝑓〉〈Bf〉 in increments of 400 G (dotted lines), and best-fit magnetic stellar evolution...
doi:10.1088/0143-0807/26/5/010J P SilvaA J SilvestreIOP PublishingSilva J P and Silvestre A J 2005 Comparing a current-carrying circular wire with polygons of equal perimeter: magnetic fields versus magnetic flux Eur. J. Phys. 26 783-90...
At room temperature, a 10 µm cut-off wavelength coincides with an infrared spectral window and the peak emission of blackbody objects. We report a 10 µm cut-off wavelength InAs/GaSb T2SL p-i-n diode on a GaAs substrate with an intent