Protection against radiation is critical for providing the general public with a healthy living environment. Around the world, there are rules and regulations in place to ensure that magnetic field exposure stays within acceptable limits. However, the definition of these acceptable limits is up for d...
A moving magnetic field (an MFL in-line inspection tool) in a conductor (the pipe) will induce electrical currents in the conductor. These currents, in turn, affect the applied and leakage fields. As a result, MFL inspection is velocity dependent. The electrical currents induced by the moveme...
The structure is manifested through flare ribbons, intense optical and EUV emissions in footpoints of field lines attached to the coronal reconnection region. In the most common type of solar flares, two parallel ribbons appear and move away from each other, which could be related to the ...
Magnetic reconnection can occur when two plasmas, having anti-parallel components of the magnetic field, encounter each other. In the reconnection plane, the anti-parallel component of the field is annihilated and its energy released in the plasma. Here, we investigate through laboratory experiments ...
Using the PIC method of microscopic particle simulation, the plasma magnetic nozzle effect and performance of the MPDT under different magnetic-field conditions were studied. The integrated experiment used demonstrated that, in conjunction with the superconducting coil, greater homogeneity and a stronger ...
The magnetic North Pole is the location in theNorthern Hemispherewhere the planet's magnetic field lines point straight downwards, penetrating the surface of the Earth. Its location changes at a rate of about 56 kilometers (35 miles) per year. Currently, it is located in the Arctic Ocean nor...
This pulse produces a field sufficient to switch the soft layer but not the hard layer: Hc1 < Hword < Hc2. Thus, depending upon the state of the element, “0” or “1,” the resistance in the sense line changes in phase or out-of-phase, respectively, with the word current pulse. ...
Top panel: cross correlation coefficient between latitude distribution of CI measured at the east solar limb, respectively with the magnetic field MFs (red thin line) and the small-scale magnetic elements (Component-II, blue thin line), at a certain month. The thick red/blue line is the 12...
This finding was unexpected as, after isolation of G2-11 from a paddy field more than 20 years ago, no magnetosome formation has been reported [26]. Furthermore, no MTB has been identified so far among phototrophs or within the Acetobacteraceae family to which G2-11 belongs [26] (...
The fundamental difficulty faced by any statistical description of turbulence is the statistical closure problem,8 in which the time evolution of cumulants (defined in Section 3.5.2) of order n for some field ψ is coupled by the nonlinearity to cumulants of order n+1. For example, if the ...