Wondrous Item Required Advantage: Strength Saving Throws, Set: Innate Speed (Flying) Ammunition of SlayingVery Rare Weapon —— Damage: Force Ammunition, +1Uncommon Weapon —— Bonus: Magic, Damage Ammunition, +2Rare Weapon —— Bonus: Magic, Damage ...
This item is nuts. if you are a strength based character, you dream about this item every night. And even if you aren’t, you still kind of want it. Regardless of which type you find, it’s amazing. Use it. Love it. Never take it off. [Rare, Very Rare, Very Rare, Legendary, ...
Although technically it's a Story Reward, should the Griffon be treated as a blessing or boon with regards to magic item carry capacity, and, if Yes, what would you propose as the appropriate level of rarity? dnd-5e-2014 dnd-adventurers-league Share Follow edited 18 hours...
But our game makes a distinction between two types of magic: the background magic that is part of the D&D multiverse’s physics and the physiology of many D&D creatures the concentrated magical energy that is contained in a magic item or channeled to create a spell or other focused ...
an Uncommon item, which cures poison and disease, PLUS 2d8+2 hit points, AND comes in 1d4+1 doses. I’d rather have that. All you get from the elixir of health is the blindness, deafness, and paralysis cures: in 5e these are generally short-term effects, sometimes “repeat the savi...
Object. Keys are one of the item types: { Armor, Potion, Ring, Rod, Scroll, Staff, Wand, Weapon, Wondrous Item}. Values are integers indicating how many of each rarity you need. Item rarities are sampled from the distribution given in dist. Sample configuration for ensureType: "ensureType...
The new Dungeon Master’s Guide specifies that Hag Eyes are created by Hag covens. Any hag that belongs to the coven that made the Hag Eye can spend an action to see through the magic item. This lasts as long as they can maintain concentration, but it only works if the hag and the...
"#34495e","customColor21":"#000000","customColor22":"#ffffff","defaultMessageHeaderMarginTop":"40px","defaultMessageHeaderMarginBottom":"20px","defaultMessageItemMarginTop":"0","defaultMessageItemMarginBottom":"10px","diffAddedColor":"hsla(170, 53%, 51%, 0.4)"...
A Thu'um's Spell Save DC is equal to 9 + CHA MOD + Proficiency Bonus Revised Wild Magic Surge Table Back toMain Page→5e Homebrew→Rules
Bag of Tricks (Wondrous item) Bead of Force (Wondrous item) Belt of Dwarvenkind (Wondrous item) Belt of Giant Strength (Wondrous item) Berserker Axe (Weapon (any axe)) Boots of Elvenkind (Wondrous item) Boots of Levitation (Wondrous item) ...