Wondrous Item Required Bonus: Spell Attacks, Bonus: Spell Save DC, artificer Amethyst LodestoneVery Rare Wondrous Item Required Advantage: Strength Saving Throws, Set: Innate Speed (Flying) Ammunition of SlayingVery Rare Weapon —— Damage: Force ...
depending on how rare the item is, you might not be able to find someone to sell the item to, which is problematic (DMG pg.129). Though in all honesty, if you find a rare magic item that does not require attunement, you’re not gonna want to sell it. You have what is known...
Although technically it's a Story Reward, should the Griffon be treated as a blessing or boon with regards to magic item carry capacity, and, if Yes, what would you propose as the appropriate level of rarity? dnd-5e-2014 dnd-adventurers-league Share Follow edited 18 hours...
The new Dungeon Master’s Guide specifies that Hag Eyes are created by Hag covens. Any hag that belongs to the coven that made the Hag Eye can spend an action to see through the magic item. This lasts as long as they can maintain concentration, but it only works if the hag and the ...
OK, so I think we’ll be able to play D&D without missing the non-SRD magic items too much. We’ll tweak our magic item list a bit (boost the frequency of Restorative Ointment and the Silver Raven figurine), and create two new magic items (instrument +1/+2+/+3 and Potion of True...
Wondrous Item, Common This small jar contains 1d6 + 2 uses of a powerful syrup that makes anything taste good. You can use this syrup as an additional, expendable material component when castingpurify food and drink. Creatures that ingest the purified food or drink gain a +5 bonus to their...
list Link detection Internet diagnosis Smart cloud maintenance Professional customer service via WeChat One-click uploading of fault information Convenient goods-exchanging 0°C–40°C 10%–90%, RH non-condensing Integrated machine Quick Start Guide Power supply: DC 12V/2A Netwo...
So just grabbing an item isn't enough, you need to know the secret word/phrase. But if a character has seen the item in action, there is no reason to believe that they can't know and repeat the command word. The description also says, "SOME magic items". So that ...
(--lia-bs-primary-l) - 10%))","decoration":"none","hoverDecoration":"underline","__typename":"LinkThemeSettings"},"listGroup":{"itemPaddingY":"15px","itemPaddingX":"15px","borderColor":"var(--lia-bs-gray-300)","__typename":"ListGroupThemeSettings"},"...
editor: 添加compoent-list-item slot (c307386) 1.1.1 (2022-08-31) Bug Fixes core: 解决固定元素失效问题 (8db7821) editor: 没有页面时,添加页面出错 (e67cbce) 1.1.0 (2022-08-30) Bug Fixes editor,stage,ui,runtime: 流式布局下,height自动设置成auto (2201fbe), closes #298 editor: 添加remo...