通过对接51tracking快递查询API,可以为你自己的项目添加 MAERSK 快递查询功能。支持的API格式包括:PHP, Java, Node.js, Python, C#, Ruby,GoLang。 Get API docs 支持国内外410家快递 对接51trackingAPI,即可为你的网站添加快递查询功能 MAERSK webhook推送通知 ...
It doesn't matter that you have the tracking#, it'll send you in circles until it hangs up on you. Dispatch sends you to the same place. It's absolutely impossible to reach a person. Online delivery scheduling on their webpage is also faulty, hence why I called. If you have a ...
which the company cites as one of the top ten global B2B websites by revenue, likely generates far more in terms of searches, booking, and tracking data. Multiplied across the forwarder-formally-know-as-Damco, Twill, and a bevy of smaller companies, Maersk has a real-time tap into...
tracking and visibility solutions over the next 12 months — making it the number one priority for digital transformation. And it appears these investments are paying off, as 81% say that investments in this area have made their supply chains more resilient. ...