Dalian Branch: Bill Lading Number :提单号必填 Equipment Number :箱号必填 Commodity :品名必填 We__ (提单持有人 )___ hold full set of OBL of above mentioned cargo, hereby submitted full set of OBL back to Maersk Line( China ) Shipping company and apply issue switch bill due to (原因...
保函正本提单领取委托书-MaerskLine.PDF,2017.10 Counter Business Handbook 华北业务柜台知识快速入门 PRNCOU 目录Ⅰ.付费相关业务 4 1.账单查询 4 2.付款须知 4 (1)付款资质 4 (2)付款期限 4 3.账户信息5 4.发票开具 6 5.领取发票7 (1)现场领取 7 (2)邮寄发票 7 6.财务
24Hremergencytelephonenumberandcontactforshipmentsto/fromtheUSA,Canada, Thailand,ChinaandAustralia,thesearemandatory,however,wherepossibleitisalways usefultoincludeforotherdestinations.ForUSAandCanadaitisalsonecessarytoinclude ifapplicableReportableQuantity(RQ)andifpoisonousbyinhalation(PIH)thezoneshould ...
MULTIMODAL DANGEROUS GOODS FORM - Maersk Line 下载积分: 1500 内容提示: MULTIMODAL DANGEROUS GOODS FORM This form may be used as a dangerous goods declaration as it meets the requirements of SOLAS 74, chapter VII, regulation 5; MARPOL 73/78,Annex III, regulation 4 and section 9 of the Gene...
Vanishing point set at the head of Christ, the vertical line of the roof, windows on both sides of the wall on the bottom have to pay it. The light is concentrated in the head of Christ, so that focused attention on Christ, realistic sense of the sacred and religious works to get ...
1985:The company acquires Norfolkline. 1988:The first Panamax container ship is delivered. 1991:Maersk Container Industri is launched to manufacture containers. 1995:The company forms a global cooperation alliance with Sealand Containers. 1999:The company acquires Sealand from CSX, forming Maersk Sealand...
空白正本提单纸申领保函 - maersk.docx,PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 21 马士基南京办单证组工作流程说明 目录 一、 工作及责任范围 二、 业务操作流程详解 正本提单签发 SWB 签发船证明 换单 电放流程 异地放单流程 改单流程 出手签提单 付款买单 发票打印