It has a unique place on the map of Tamil Nadu and a special niche in Tamilians’ hearts. The city’s global renown draws tourists in droves while it bursts at its seams with a population of 1.5 million. Though Madurai is a multifaceted gem of a city—it is and has always been an...
SPECIAL ITEMS Customer's Feedback Tried Mini Podi Idly, Kothu parotta combo (Kothu Parotta, Mushroom dry, Kesari, Kuruma and Raitha), Chilly Parotta. All the items were good and service was excellent. Idly was served with 2 types of chutneys and tamilnadu style Sambhar. Parking space for...
47/30, Nehruji Nagar (Near Park), Dindigul,Tamil Nadu, India - 624001 7397779811 7395804082 Best Foot CareHospital In India The Madurai Footcare center is an outpatient clinic aimed at healing recurrent ulcerations and amputations in diabetic patients. We provide multidisciplinary foot care for ...
(Placename) a city in S India, in S Tamil Nadu: centre of Dravidian culture for over 2000 years; cotton industry. Pop: 922 913 (2001). Former name:Madura Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, ...
Transportation is the conveyance of persons or property from one place to another. It has always been an important activity state of his development. The need for the conveyance of goods arises from the fact that they are often produced in one place and desire a...
MILK PRODUCTION AND MARKETING WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MADURAI DISTRICT, TAMIL NADUThe dairy sector occupies an important place in the agricultural economy of India as milk is the second largest agricultural commodity in contributing to GNP, next only to rice. India is the world's largest milk ...
” Inspired, he began to work on his production as soon as he landed in Chennai. In November 2009, he debuted Silapathigaram, a production based on the classic Sangam Tamil epic by Ilango Adigal, and which has since been performed worldwide from the US to New Zealand. He was...
Acknowledged as the “Athens of India”, Madurai is the third-largest metropolis in Tamil Nadu and has been given this special attribute due to its exceptional architecture. With so many travelers visiting the city, the business ofhotels in Maduraiis really booming. Its pedestrian walkways andthe...
Nagar, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India, Tallakulam, Madurai, India, 625020 - See map Discover the vibrant neighborhood of Tallakulam, Madurai at MMR Gardens. This centrally located hotel is the perfect choice for two travelers seeking comfort and convenience. With clean and spacious rooms, you can ...
Similar to other Shakti shrines of Tamil Nadu, this temple also has a special observance of Fridays in the months of Aadi (Jul – Aug) and Thai (Jan – Feb). Avani Moola Utsavam is celebrated for 10 days during the months of Aug-Sep describing various Thiruvilayadals (sacred games) ...