It has a unique place on the map of Tamil Nadu and a special niche in Tamilians’ hearts. The city’s global renown draws tourists in droves while it bursts at its seams with a population of 1.5 million. Though Madurai is a multifaceted gem of a city—it is and has always been an...
47/30, Nehruji Nagar (Near Park), Dindigul,Tamil Nadu, India - 624001 7397779811 7395804082 Best Foot CareHospital In India The Madurai Footcare center is an outpatient clinic aimed at healing recurrent ulcerations and amputations in diabetic patients. We provide multidisciplinary foot care for ...
Acknowledged as the “Athens of India”, Madurai is the third-largest metropolis in Tamil Nadu and has been given this special attribute due to its exceptional architecture. With so many travelers visiting the city, the business ofhotels in Maduraiis really booming. Its pedestrian walkways andthe...
MILK PRODUCTION AND MARKETING WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MADURAI DISTRICT, TAMIL NADUThe dairy sector occupies an important place in the agricultural economy of India as milk is the second largest agricultural commodity in contributing to GNP, next only to rice. India is the world's largest milk ...
Transportation is the conveyance of persons or property from one place to another. It has always been an important activity state of his development. The need for the conveyance of goods arises from the fact that they are often produced in one place and desire a...
The researcher conducted in-depth interviews with 20 homeless people in Madurai city, Tamilnadu. A semi structured interview schedule was also used to collect data. Purposive and convenient sampling was used to select the respondents for the study. They were individuals with or without families who...
Objectives: To assess the level of privileged preventive measures among the States and districts of Tamil Nadu and comprehend the pattern of preventive measures at the household level in Madurai district. Methods and Statistical Analysis: Census 2011 data was used to study the preventive measures at...
CHALLENGES FACED BY PROFESSORS IN ONLINE TEACHING DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MADURAI DISTRICT OF TAMILNADUCOVID-19pandemiconline teachingscreen timeeye strainconnectivity issuesvirtual classroomsThe COVID-19 pandemic forces educational institutions in and around the country, to make...
Dr.S. Sriram and Dr.S.Pugalanthi (2013), "Astudy on the Purchasing Behaviour of Con- sumers towards Toothpaste with Special Reference to Madurai District, Tamil Nadu", Paripex- Indian Journal of Research, Vol.2, Iss.7, Pp.184-187...