英['mækrəfeɪdʒ] n.巨噬细胞 网络吞噬细胞;巨嗜细胞;巨噬血球细胞 复数:macrophages 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 macrophage n. 1. 巨噬细胞a large cell that is able to remove harmful substances from the body, and is found in blood and tissue...
Objective : To explore the effects of HG granule on mononuclearmacrophagephagocytic function in hypoimmunologic mice. 目的: 研究HG颗粒对免疫功能低下小鼠单核巨噬细胞吞噬功能的影响. 期刊摘选 The alveolarmacrophageis derived largely from the bone marrow. ...
热门搜索: suspend feature inerrancy Its activate meet redundancy attach bailout 查词历史 1. macrophage 与macrophage相似词语macrophage[英[ˈmækrəfeɪdʒ]美[ˈmækrəˌfedʒ]] macrophage的意思、解释 n.巨噬细胞 网络巨噬细胞;巨噬细胞移动抑制因子更多 ...
巨噬细胞(macrophage)这一术语,首次由19世纪末由Elie Metchnikoff提出。 图片来源:Hematopoietic Stem Cells: A Long History in Brief 通常,巨噬细胞被认为是由骨髓中的造血干细胞→单核细胞发育而来。 经历分化步骤,来到外周血中,成为循环单核细胞,已确定两种:称为“炎症性”和“常驻”单核细胞,主要基于它们在迁...
巨噬细胞(Macrophage) 简介 巨噬细胞(缩写为M φ、MΦ或MP)(希腊语:大食者,源自希腊语μακρός ( makrós ) = 大,φαγεῖν ( phagein)=吃)是先天免疫系统的一种白细胞,可吞噬和消化表面不具有健康体细胞特有蛋白质的病原体,如癌细胞、微生物、细胞碎片和外来物质。该过程称为吞噬作用,可...
2025 The immune system responds to these accumulations, sending macrophage white blood cells to engulf the cholesterol, which then turn into foam cells that aggregate in the skin, forming the yellowish plaques characteristic of xanthelasma. Gordon G. Chang, Newsweek, 24 Jan. 2025 Blood vessels ...
At any time the macrophage system might be injured by viral infection or air pollutant exposure. 巨噬细胞随时都可能受病毒感染或空气污染物所损伤. 辞典例句 Results The PVR specimens contained epithelial like, macrophage like and glial cell with transmission electron microscope. 结果通过透射电镜观察PVR标...
沪江词库精选macrophage是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释 英音['mækrəfeidʒ] ; 美音['mækrəfeidʒ] ; 巨噬细胞 巨噬细胞 英语解释 a large phagocyte; some are fixed and other circulate in the blood stream 相似短语 inflammatory macrophage【医】 炎性巨噬细胞, 游走巨噬细胞 ...