Macroautophagy is a process in which cellular contents are degraded by lysosomes or vacuoles and recycled. Double-membraned structures called autophagosomes enclose cellular material and then fuse with lysosomes. Non-selective macroautophagy is stimulated by starvation. Organelle-specific macroautophagy proc...
Autophagy process (source: Nakamura and Yoshimori 2018) 在机制上,腐胺的促自噬效应涉及以下两个关键调控途径: EP300(E1A结合蛋白p300) 抑制作用:EP300 是一种 乙酰转移酶(acetyltransferase),可抑制自噬。腐胺通过 抑制EP300,促进多种核心自噬蛋白的 去乙酰化(deacetylation),进而增强自噬功能。EP300 也是多种 长...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook autophagy (redirected fromMacroautophagy) Medical Encyclopedia au·toph·a·gy (ô-tŏf′ə-jē) n. The process of self-digestion by a cell through the action of enzymes originating within the same cell. ...
Macroautophagy, which is a lysosomal pathway for the turnover of organelles and long-lived proteins, is a key determinant of cell survival and longevity. In this study, we show that neuronal macroautophagy is induced early in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and before beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposits...
During the development of the Premo Autophagy Sensors, we used ATG5 knockout (KO) cell lines to test for specificity. Cell lines carrying a deletion of the ATG5 gene (encoding a protein in the Atg12–Atg5-Atg16 complex, ...
Macroautophagy (hereafter referred to as autophagy) is a catabolic process in which portions of the cytoplasm are sequestered within double- or multimembraned vesicles termed autophagosomes and then delivered to lysosomes for bulkdegradation. The initial phases of macroautophagy consist of the formation...
Macroautophagy is an evolutionarily conserved process that delivers diverse cellular contents to lysosomes for degradation. As our understanding of this pathway grows, so does our appreciation for its importance in disorders of the CNS. Once implicated p
Macroautophagy, which is a lysosomal pathway for the turnover of organelles and long-lived proteins, is a key determinant of cell survival and longevity. In this study, we show that neuronal macroautophagy is induced early in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and before β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits ext...
医学|查看相关文献(pubmed)|免费全文文献 详细解释: 巨自噬“Macroautophagy”(以下简称自噬),或“自食”,是一种保留的细胞通道,其控制蛋白质和细胞器的降解,并在(生物机体)的生存,发展和动态平衡中起着一种基本的作用。 以下为句子列表: 分享到:
Klionsky, D., Schulman, B. Dynamic regulation of macroautophagy by distinctive ubiquitin-like proteins.Nat Struct Mol Biol21, 336–345 (2014). Download citation Received23 October 2013 Accepted10 January 2014 ...