Method 2 – Macro to Print Specific Sheets by Sheet Name Another way to print specific sheets using a macro is to print them by the sheet name. This method is pretty obvious but effective. If you have limited sheets in your Excel workbook, you can use the following code: Sub print_sheet...
excelmacro Replies: 1 Forum:Excel Questions N VBA to copy visible (NOT hidden) rows of data to another tab Hi, I came across a similar thread VBA to copy range data with all visible and invisible cells to another sheet on and was hoping to get some assistance on my scenari...
Example 5 – Saving a Specific Range in Excel as PDF Steps: Go to the sheet containing the range you need to save as a pdf. Go to the module window to enter the following VBA code modifying with your own save location. Click on the Run You can open a new module window either a ri...
For example, if you often apply a particular format to a range of cells, you can create a macro that performs the formatting task with the click of a button. Or perhaps there is a set of headings you use often in your worksheets. After creating the appropriate macro, a click of a but...
Issue when sorting a range that has merged cells Issue when starting Excel for Mac Issue when updating external links Issue with using different print quality for sheets Large Address Aware capability change Last digits are changed to zeros Link a Visio drawing to a specific region Long numbers ...
Office Excel Primary Interop Assembly Search Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel _Application _Chart _Global _IOLEObject _IQueryTable _OLEObject _QueryTable _Workbook _Worksheet AboveAverage Action Actions AddIn AddIns AddIns2 Adjustments AllowEditRange AllowEditRanges AppEvents AppEvents_AfterCalculateEvent...
VBA code: Create a macro code to achieve find and replace text in Excel Sub FindandReplaceText() 'Update by Extendoffice 2018/5/24 Dim xFind As String Dim xRep As String Dim xRg As Range On Error Resume Next Set xRg =Cells xFind = Application.InputBox("word to search:", "Kutools...
Sample macro using a loop to insert rows in multiple sheets VB SubInsert_Rows_Loop()DimCurrentSheetAsObject' Loop through all selected sheets.ForEachCurrentSheetInActiveWindow.SelectedSheets' Insert 5 rows at top of each sheet.CurrentSheet.Range("a1:a5").EntireRow.InsertNextCurrentSheetEndSub ...
[FULL CODE] Use VBA to Create a Pivot Table in Excel – Macro to Copy-Paste The Simple 8 Steps to Write a Macro Code in VBA to Create a Pivot Table in Excel 1. Declare Variables 2. Insert a New Worksheet 3. Define Data Range 4. Create a Pivot Cache 5. Insert a Blank...
Macro enabled Excel file not opening? You may wonder how to recover corrupted macro enabled Excel file in Windows 10 and Windows 7. This post has outlined the reasons of macro enabled excel workbook get corrupted, and top 5 ways to fix a corrupted macro