Open the file to see the selected range. To print it, press CTRL + P. Read More: How to Print Specific Sheets Using VBA Macro in Excel Method 3 – Selecting a Range of Cells to Print using Excel VBA You want to print Name, Age, and Occupation only. Steps: Enter the following code...
shape指定多个宏,举例一: Sub Macro1() 'ActiveSheet.Shapes 获取所有的图形对象 Dim i As Integer For Each Shape In ActiveSheet.shapes i = i + 1 '将每一个值图形对象的值写入表格(这里表格开始位置为<0,0>) Cells(i, 1).Value = Shape.Name Next 'vbInformation后边是弹出框title MsgBox "Welcome F...
prompt:="Select desired range containing ""Set Value"" in cells", Default:=Range("F5:F13").Address, Type:=8) Set SetVal = .InputBox(Title:="Select a Desired Range", _ prompt:="Select desired range containing ""Set Value"" change into", Default:=Range("H5:H13").Address, Type:=8...
First, thanks for the help. I made a test macro to see if it worked and it was OK. However, it references a single cell due to the test. Now, I need to extend this macro to a range of cells, where ...
7、ctiveCell、RangeCells(row,colum n) 代表单个单元格,其中 可以用 Cells(1,1) 、Cells(10,4) 来引用A1、D10单元格。ActiveCell 代表 活动工作表的活动单元格,或指定工作表的活动单元格。Ran ge代表工作表中的某一单元格、某一行、某一列、某一选定区域(该选 定区域可包含一个或若干连续单元格区域)或者...
Ranges and Cells in VBA Cell Address Range of Cells Writing to Cells Reading from Cells Non Contiguous Cells Intersection of Cells Offset from a Cell or Range Setting Reference to a Range Resize a Range OFFSET vs Resize All Cells in Sheet ...
Sub 绝对模式() ' ' 绝对模式 Macro ' ' Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "第一季度" Range("B1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "第二季度" Range("C1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "第三季度" Range("D1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "第四季度" Range("A1")....
For macros for deleting blank rows or duplicate rows in an range of cells, clickhere. Flipping Or Mirroring A Range This macro will reverse the order of a range of data. You may flip data in a single row or in a single column of data (i.e., an N by 1 array or an 1 by N ar...
.Range("a1:a100").Sort Key1:=.Range("a1") End With End Sub 本示例显示工作表 Sheet1 的打印预览。 Worksheets("Sheet1").PrintPreview 本示例保存当前活动工作簿? ActiveWorkbook.Save 本示例保存所有打开的工作簿,然后关闭 Microsoft Excel。
Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll Returns a Range object that represents the cells in the specified range. C# 複製 public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range Cells { get; } Property Value Range Applies to 產品版本 excel-pia excel-pia 意...