Dani_Gor SAS Employee Re: Do loop in macro Posted 07-08-2021 05:53 AM (2690 views) | In reply to David_Billa Probably a possible solution involving macro variables could be: %macro chk; data BRACKET_VAL_CAL;set uu; %do i=1 %to &totobs;mac=cats('A',&i);value=&&A&i.;...
The %DO_OVER macro loops over the macro array, substituting macro array values wherever you put a "?" in your code. For example, %DO_OVER(AA,phrase="?") generates a list with double-quotes around eachelement. Need to rename variables adding a suffix? RENAME %DO_OVER(AA,phrase=?=?
generate SAS code based on input values. You also learn about macro variable scope - where macro variables are stored and how long they are available. Finally you learn about conditionally generating and processing code using macro IF/THEN statements, and iterative processing with macro DO loops....
Journeymen's Tools: Data Review Macro FreqAll: Using Proc SQL List Processing with Dictionary.Columns to Eliminate Macro Do Loops The SAS R macro language is simple, yet powerful. List Processing with Proc SQL is also simple, yet powerful. This paper provides a data review macro FreqAll which...
Two macros, %ARRAY and %DO_OVER, make it simple to create and use macro arrays. %ARRAY stores text in a macro array from anexplicit list of values or from variables in a data set. Then, wherever you need those text values in your program,%DO_OVER loops over the macro array and ...
It then loops through each cell in the used range of the worksheet, unlocking all cells first. If a cell contains a formula, it locks that cell. Finally, it protects the worksheet, which will make all locked cells uneditable while allowing changes to unlocked cells. Unhide all Rows and Col...
%do year = 2006 %to 2009; %macr (&year, %eval(&year+1)) %end; %mend loop; %loop You don't show the definition of %macr, so we can't tell if it contains only DATA and PROC steps, or if it also contains macro language. If it does contain macro language, any loops generate...
A recursive macro is a perfect solution if you need to apply a `fixed process' in a nested application. Using regular macros, you would need to know all the dimensions or levels of nesting in order to set up the appropriate `nested do loops', resulting in a long complex macro program....
Responding, we developed a SAS macro to address these questions. The macro,is available online, reduces computing time and is easy to use. (If you are having difficulty ask any 5 year old with an iPad.) Some terms we use such as do-loops, Monte Carlo simulations and confidence bands ...
The simplest examples will include the use of the %LET statement and automatic macro variables, while themore complex tasks will demonstrate techniques such as %DO loops and the use of CALL SYMPUT to communicate betweenthe DATA STEP and the Macro facility.Christianna S. Williams...