SAS--do loop until while data work.earning; /*loop只发生在data步*/ value=2000; do year=1 to 20; interest=value*0.075; value+interest; /*year=21*/ end; run; proc print data=earning; run; /*升级版*/ data work.earning(drop=counter); value=2000; do counter=1 to 20; interest=...
do while loop c++ (1) SAS宏 SAS宏(1) c# loop - C# 代码示例 pyton do while loop+ - Python 代码示例 c# loop - C# (1) do while loop c++ 不断循环 - C++ 代码示例 pyton do while loop+ - Python (1) SAS函数 SAS函数(1) SAS字符串 SAS字符串(1) SAS-SQL(1) SA...
在SAS中使用嵌套Do-Loop导入Zip文件时遇到问题 ,可能是由于以下原因导致的: 缺少必要的SAS库或引擎:在导入Zip文件之前,需要确保已经正确配置了SAS库和引擎,以便能够读取和处理Zip文件。可以使用SAS的LIBNAME语句来指定要使用的库和引擎。 语法错误:在编写嵌套Do-Loop时,可能存在语法错误导致无法正确导入Zip文件。需...
The macro shown is not useful because the output data set is replacing the same named one created by earlier iterations of your macro loop. An array based tranposition would use a DATA step DO loop, and that could be inside a macro. Is the assignment to use a macro %DO loop? Your ...
the-do-loop-blogPublic SAS and statistical programming examples from The DO Loop at Author: Rick Wicklin SAS30Apache-2.01300UpdatedJan 14, 2025 sas-community-articlesPublic This repository contains code files and supporting resources for examples you'll find in ...
Hi guys I need help when I create this loop I don't get the number of supposed observations;" 206,262372" this is what I do; LIBNAME ECON581'\\TSCLIENT\G\ECON581'; DATA WOMAN; DO AGE=18 TO 99; DO PETS=4 TO 3175; DO ADDRESS=1 TO 793; OUTPUT; END; OUTPUT; END; OUTPUT; END...
I'm trying to modify one of my code to a nested loop. Below is the code I have. However, when I submit the code, sas did not start running (black text of my code, no blue output nor green warning nor red error) %macro repeat_code2; %do i = 1 %to 9; /* Create a dataset...
How to get do loop in SAS to work with date values? I have a data set containing 4 years data (2014-2017). I want to give every observation a period-variable containing E, E/F or F from an if-criteria. I got it to work by repeating my code for every year in a data step: ...
A hardware-based method is initialized by the entropy source, so you do not need to specify a seed value. For example, the following DATA step initializes the RDRAND method and then generates five observations. The three data sets are then merged and printed: ...
SAS - DO WHILE Loop - This DO WHILE loop uses a WHILE condition. The SAS statements are repeatedly executed until the while condition becomes false.