菜单栏(Menu Bar),先来看看官方的定义: 菜单栏主要分为左侧和右侧。左侧区域为「软件菜单区」,会根据当前激活窗口的 app 变化而变化(没有激活任何窗口时显示访达 app 的菜单项)。右侧姑且称它为系统控制区,在这里可以进行一些简单的系统状态切换、信息获取,以及部分软件菜单栏部分的交互。 个人感觉同一个软件分别...
一、在statusBarItem弹出Popover 二、更改Popover背景色 三、在statusBar上控制主窗口的开关 四、在statusBar上控制statusBar的显隐/开关 一、在statusBarItem弹出Popover statusBar弹出menu是比较简单的,但是如果我们要做一些定制,就需要用到Popover了 创建Popover 在AppDelegate文件中,声明一个NSPopover变量(下面的statusB...
⌘ + drag to move the Hidden icons around in the menu bar. Click the Arrow icon to hide menu bar items.✨ContributorsThis project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. Thank you guys so much 👏Please read this before you make a contribution....
Hide menu bar icons on macOS. Contribute to Mortennn/Dozer development by creating an account on GitHub.
To do this, hit the battery icon; then, choose "Show Percentage". And if you are using a stationary MacBook which is plugged in always, hide the battery icon by clicking on it and pressing "Open Energy Saver Preferences". Then, un-tick the box for "Show battery status in menu bar"...
You can also press Tab to open the next menu, Shift-Tab to open the previous one, and Return to “click” the highlighted command. They can hide themselves. You can set things up so the menu bar disappears completely when you’re not using it. You get a little more room on your scr...
为此,请转到System Preferences -> Dock & Menu Bar,然后在Dock & Menu Bar选项中,取消选中Automatically hide and show the menu bar in full screen旁边的框。 35. 导入照片库 蒙特雷的“照片”应用程序已更新,可以从另一个“照片”库中导入照片。为此,请从菜单栏中选择File -> Import...以打开文件浏览器...
There’s no denying that the MacBook Touch Bar also serves some useful functions. And you might need to use them while working on a document or writing code. You can still access the most common controls directly from the menu when the Touch Bar is disabled. Use with confidence We have ...
Menu bar dissappears when not in window other than finder I always had the 'Hide and Show Menu Bar Automatically' feature turned on, so this could be due to an macOS update, but recently I decided to turn it off for easier use of my Mac, but whenever I am not in a window of an...
基于electron开发MacOS Menubar app主要涉及的技术其实就是Electron的TrayAPI。 此外也有人将这个API做了简单的封装:menubar(github)。 其基本原理就是将Electron的窗口挪到menubar对应app按钮的下面,也就是点击menu bar按钮时,在获取按钮的位置,然后在按钮的下方显示窗口。