3. 切换到 浏览 选项卡,搜索安装下面的三个扩展并安装 Hide Top Bar : 可以设置顶栏智能隐藏 Show Desktop Button : 在顶栏中添加 [显示桌面] 快捷按钮 Compact Top Bar : 实现顶栏半透明效果 4. 设置Dock栏透明度 打开Ubuntu Dock栏设置选项,切换到 [外观] 选项卡,将"收缩 Dash"项打开,将 "自定义透明度...
这好像是个虫子。这个问题找不到解决办法(只需向苹果提交一个bug ),但您可能会发现完全禁用菜单栏很...
To do this, hit the battery icon; then, choose "Show Percentage". And if you are using a stationary MacBook which is plugged in always, hide the battery icon by clicking on it and pressing "Open Energy Saver Preferences". Then, un-tick the box for "Show battery status in menu bar"...
What is the “auto-hide and show menu bar” option? Do you know what will happen when you turn this option on? When you turn on this option from the system preferences, you can view the complete screen without the menu bar on the top. In case you need to menu bar while ...
To clarify, after few trial/error (I'm not familiar with Rust at all) I found this way to hide the default Docker icon and only show the one on the system tray (top nav): fn main() { let tray_menu = SystemTrayMenu::new(); // insert the menu items here let system_tray = Sy...
Every time you move the cursor to the top right corner to close the window with a cross, the menu bar appears and interferes with your work. Please add the ability to always hide the menu bar and the Dock in full screen mode.
In System Settings -> Control Center, there are new options to control when the menu bar automatically hides. Scroll down to the "Menu Bar Only" section and click the dropdown next to Automatically hide and show the menu bar, and you'll be able to choose from Always, On Desktop Only,...
Visual clue for show advanced / hide advanced settings Exporter for Spritekit/Swift Exporter for Phaser.io (JSON hash + array) Exporter for ShiVa with JPSprite Exporter for OPTPix SpriteStudio Fixes: Using high dpi icons for treeview Spritekit/ObjC header file creation Smart update hash avoid re...
NoteSystem services are protected by SIP, don't disable SIP just to tinker with system services as SIP is an integral part of security on macOS. Disabling system services could cause breakage and unstable behavior! To view the status of services: ...
Misconfigured macOS settings can hide widgets from the desktop view. The widget you have added from your iPhone, may struggle to work on macOS. A minor software glitch or bug in macOS can cause widgets to malfunction. Running an older version of macOS may lead to compatibility issues, preventi...