in the real time strategy game, including ICBMs, satellite systems, and mega units. But be on red alert, you'll need control of a special resource node to build those monstrous mega units. If control is lost, production stops, adding yet another element of strategy to Machines at War 3...
名称:Machines At War 3 类型:动作,独立,策略 开发商:Isotope 244 LLC 发行商:Isotope 244 LLC 发行日期:2014 年 7 月 23 日 访问网站查看手册查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 购买Machines At War 3 ¥ 48.00 添加至购物车 购买Machines At War 3 4-Pack ...
没有对应的苹果版,点击下载的是:机械战争3完整直装版(Machines at War 3)v1.2 安卓版游戏介绍相关推荐评论(0) 大型战争手游 机械战争手游机械战争3完整直装版是一款超级好玩的即时对战类策略游戏,该游戏拥有超炫酷的玩法模式,支持多人在线竞技pk,画面精美,丰富的关卡冒险系统等你来玩,喜欢的朋友赶快到IT猫扑下载吧...
Machines at War 3机械战争3中文版大小:94.3M语言:中文 类别:破解游戏系统:Android 点击下载简介|教程|评论(0) 版本:v1.0.1 最新版时间:2017-12-30 应用介绍 机械战争3中文版破解版apk安装包下载,一款好玩的游戏怎么能够没有破解版呢,机械战争3破解版经过汉化,看中文玩得更愉快,还解锁了各种资源和技能,心动...
Machines at War 3 is the sequel of Land Air Sea Warfare and Machines at War. It adds upon Land Air Sea Warfare with online multiplayer, a campaign mode, and infantry units. It also features more units and technologies, a redesigned GUI, new music and all new terrain graphics. Machines at...
"Machines at War 3 is an example of how to make touch screen controls work for an RTS game." - 148Apps "Every fibre screams homage to the retro RTS games we grew up on" - Gamegrin "Normally you can't access beard tech like that until the end of the the tree." - Pocket Tactics...
"Machines at War 3 is an example of how to make touch screen controls work for an RTS game." - 148Apps "Every fibre screams homage to the retro RTS games we grew up on" - Gamegrin "Normally you can't access beard tech like that until the end of the the tree." - Pocket Tactics...
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《机械战争3》是一款独立策略游戏,提供了完整的单人战役以及值得称赞的多人模式,还拥有随机地图模式。从第一眼的印象来看,这款游戏和《红色警戒》以及《横扫千军》有点像,对于独立游戏来讲这是个好事。 游戏开发者对游戏的描述是: “传统的策略与令人心跳的动作相结合,《机械战争3》能让你更聪明的和敌人作战,在...
机器战争 3 Machines At War 3 Isotope 244 2013-10-02独立 中文 0 想玩 0 在玩 1 玩过 63 已购买 0 在关注 列表 贡献 点评 举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 暂无评分 - . - 评论数不足 6.0 在21个史诗般宏大的任务中,探索失踪的奥米龙组织研究团队鲜为人知的秘密!与朋友们一起在线上多人游戏...