It's time to arm up and get in the war! 21 Campaign missions Online multiplayer Over 130 unit types Inflict total annihilation! BUY NOWDownload DEMO Reviews "The best RTS game available on iOS." MobileTechReview "Machines at War 3 has a variety unmatched by other RTS titles." ...
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Download and play War Machines:Tanks Battle Game on PC. Play as long as you want, no more limitations of battery, mobile data and disturbing calls. The brand new MEmu 9 is the best choice of playing War Machines:Tanks Battle Game on PC. Prepared with our expertise, the exquisite preset ...
"Machines at War 3 is an example of how to make touch screen controls work for an RTS game." - 148Apps "Every fibre screams homage to the retro RTS games we grew up on" - Gamegrin "Normally you can't access beard tech like that until the end of the the tree." - Pocket Tactics...
17,99 € Screenshots Description Build over 130 types of units in this amazing real time strategy game. "This game is epic." - iDownloadBlog "Machines at War 3 is all about the action, and the game coats it in an engaging 21-mission campaign with unique objectives." - Mac|Life Real ...
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「机械战争3 RTS-Machines at War 3」拥有庞大的世界背景架构,本作延续经典即时战略游戏的玩法,玩家可以选择剧情、战役、自由对抗等玩法模式,从零开始,建设自己的基地,收集资源,生成强大的军种,与敌人展开对战。 机械战争3是一款精品策略战争题材手游。游戏的风格和玩法类似于经典游戏「红色警戒」,「星际」那样,玩家得...
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