除此之外,分类学习器集成了多种可视化方式来方便用户选择模型,进行模型评估和比较。训练好的模型也可以直接导入MATLAB的工作空间,来对新的数据预测,也可以直接生成代码,方便和其他应用集成。Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox中也实现了很多聚类算法,聚类算法通过根据相似度测量对数据分组来发现数据集中的规律。
在MATLAB Add-Ons页面的搜索框中输入“Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox”,然后点击搜索按钮。 选择并安装Toolbox: 在搜索结果中找到适合您当前MATLAB版本的“Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox”。 点击该Toolbox旁边的“安装”按钮,按照页面上的提示完成购买(如果尚未购买)和安装过程。 验证安装: 安...
MATLAB 统计与机器学习工具箱(Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox)支持大量的分类模型、回归模型和聚类的模型,并提供专门应用程序(APP),以图形化的方式实现模型的训练、验证,以及模型之间的比较。 分类 分类技术预测的数据对象是离散值。例如,电子邮件是否为垃圾邮件,肿瘤是癌性还是良性等等。 分类模型将输入数据分...
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox provides functions and apps to describe, analyze, and model data using statistics and machine learning.
Deep Learning Toolbox™ Deep Learning in MATLAB (Deep Learning Toolbox) Facial recognition, motion detection, and object detection Use deep learning tools for image processing and computer vision. Deep Learning Toolbox and Computer Vision Toolbox™ Recognition, Object Detection, and Semantic Segment...
[Matlab] Matlab 2020b Release Note - Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Release Notes https://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/release-notes.html 1. 模型可解释性函数:Interpretability: Obtain local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME)...
Data mining of large data sets This presentation demonstrates examples of the new classification and modeling functionality in the R2013b release of MATLAB® and Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™. Show more Recorded: 22 May 2014Feed...
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ provides tools for accessing, preprocessing, and visualizing data; extracting features; training and optimizing models; and preparing models for deployment. The typical workflow begins with accessing, cleaning, and preprocessing your data in preparation for extract...
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Request Trial Get Pricing Why Use Kalman Filters? | Understanding Kalman Filters, Part 1 Why Use Kalman Filters? | Understanding Kalman Filters, Part 1(6:46) Introduction to MATLAB Introduction to MATLAB(43:33) ...
Machine Learning with MATLAB Online Course Overview Learn about Machine Learning with MATLAB, an on-demand course that focuses on data analytics and machine learning techniques in MATLAB® using functionality within Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ and Deep Learning Toolbox™. Machine Learn...