除此之外,分类学习器集成了多种可视化方式来方便用户选择模型,进行模型评估和比较。训练好的模型也可以直接导入MATLAB的工作空间,来对新的数据预测,也可以直接生成代码,方便和其他应用集成。Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox中也实现了很多聚类算法,聚类算法通过根据相似度测量对数据分组来发现数据集中的规律。
The spider is intended to be a complete object orientated environment for machine learning in Matlab. Aside from easy use of base learning algorithms, algorithms can be plugged together and can be compared with, e.g model selection, statistical tests and visual plots. This gives all the power ...
Ben Barrowes《Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB》http://www.matlabsky.com/thread-868-1-2.html 《Math modl toolbox》(数学建模工具箱)http://www.matlabsky.com/thread-221-1-2.html Zoubin Ghahramani《Machine Learning Toolbox》(机器学习,主要是HMM)http://www.matlabsky.com/thread-2096-1-2...
下载地址:https://www.mathworks.com/products/automated-driving.html机器人系统工具箱 (Robotics System Toolbox) 功能:设计、仿真和测试机器人应用程序 下载地址:https://www.mathworks.com/products/robotics.html导航工具箱 (Navigation Toolbox) 功能:设计、仿真和部署用于规划和导航的算法 下载地址:https://www....
Deep Learning HDL Toolbox 23.2 Deep Learning Toolbox 23.2 Econometrics Toolbox 23.2 Embedded Coder 23.2 Filter Design HDL Coder 23.2 Financial Instruments Toolbox 23.2 Financial Toolbox 23.2 Fixed-Point Designer 23.2 Fuzzy Logic Toolbox 23.2
http://page.inf.fu-berlin.de/~lieber/seiten/pbpk_toolbox.html The Spider The spider is intended to be a complete object orientated environment for machine learning in Matlab. Aside from easy use of base learning algorithms, algorithms can be plugged together and can be compared with, e.g ...
《Math modl toolbox》(数学建模工具箱) Zoubin Ghahramani《Machine Learning Toolbox》(机器学习,主要是HMM) Sheffield《genetic arithmetic toolbox》(GATBX遗传算法工具箱) Gerald Recktenwald 《Numerical Methods with MATLAB》(NMM1.5数值分析工具箱) Matlab数据关联规则挖掘的工具箱(箱内含使用手册)分享与讨论 Mar...
建议安装的 Toolbox : Econometrics Toolbox Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Symbolic Math Toolbox Optimization Toolbox Global Optimization Toolbox Curve Fitting Toolbox Parallel Computing Toolbox Financial Toolbox 如果安装后需要更改安装其它工具箱,可以再打开安装包,重新走一遍安装过程。
Optimization Toolbox 代码生成:生成 C/C++ 代码以使用 fmincon 求解非线性约束优化问题(需要 MATLAB Coder)Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox 机器学习器应用:在 Classification Learner 和 Regression Learner 中优化超参数,在 Classification Learner 中指定误分类代价 代码生成:更新已部署的决策树或线性模型且...
1.可视化工具箱:MATLAB内置了许多用于数据可视化的工具箱,如Signal Processing Toolbox、Image Processing Toolbox等。 2.数据处理工具箱:MATLAB内置了许多常用的数据处理工具箱,如Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox、Curve Fitting Toolbox等。 3.信号处理工具箱:MATLAB内置了Signal Processing Toolbox和Wavelet Tool...