ucimachine-learning-datasetuci-machine-learningmachine-learning-datasets UpdatedFeb 12, 2021 Python Online decorrelation of humidity and temperature in chemical sensors for continuous monitoring machine-learninghumidityuci-machine-learningchemical-sensorsmox-sensors ...
本实验使用的数据集来自 UCI machine learning 数据集生命科学类中的Localization Data for Person Activity Data Set,以下为数据集的官方网址:http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Localization+Data+for+Person+Activity?tdsourcetag=s_pctim_aiomsg 此数据集共有164860个样本以及8个特征,样本数×特征数 > 50...
AddRemove WenjieDu/TSDB 168 Tasks Time Series Classification Density Estimation Core set discovery Show all Similar Datasets Brazilian E-Commerce Public Dataset by Olist Beijing Multi-Site Air-Quality Dataset Beijing Multi-Site Air-Quality Dataset...
1.Kaggle Find Open Datasets and Machine Learning Projects | Kaggle 有很多的机器学习比赛用的数据集,因此数据类别和数据量比较大,是我最常用的数据库之一。 百度百科:Kaggle是由联合创始人、首席执行官安东尼·高德布卢姆(Anthony Goldbloom)2010年在墨尔本创立的,主要为开发商和数据科学家提供举办机器学习竞赛、托管...
《Machine Learning Open Source Software》 介绍:机器学习开源软件 《LIBSVM》 介绍:A Library for Support Vector Machines 《Support Vector Machines》 介绍:数据挖掘十大经典算法之一 《100 Best GitHub: Deep Learning》 介绍:github上面100个非常棒的项目 《加州大学欧文分校(UCI)机器学习数据集仓库》 介...
UCI Repository of Machine Learning Databases is an extensive repository of datasets designed for researchers, data scientists, and machine learning enthusiasts. This online platform provides a diverse range of datasets from various domains such as health, finance, education, and many more. The datasets...
The datasets are organized by use case, so you’ll discover datasets for deep learning, natural language processing, web scraping, and more. UCI ML Repository UCI features over 500 machine learning datasets that are sortable by file type, task, area of application, and subject. Many of thei...
《Machine Learning Open Source Software》 介绍:机器学习开源软件 《LIBSVM》 介绍:A Library for Support Vector Machines 《Support Vector Machines》 介绍:数据挖掘十大经典算法之一 《100 Best GitHub: Deep Learning》 介绍:github上面100个非常棒的项目 《加州大学欧文分校(UCI)机器学习数据集仓库》 介...
https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/ sklearn.datasets里面集成了这个网站里的部分数据(刚接触Python的童鞋,需要一点点Python的知识,和Java类似,使用现成工具模块的时候,需要import一下,我们这个基于Python的机器学习工具包的全名是sklearn,这里介绍数据,所以下一个目录是datasets)。具体的Python代码: ...
Kaggle: A diverse collection of datasets for fields like healthcare, finance, and natural language processing, Kaggle organizes competitions to provide more context and organization for data use. UCI Machine Learning Repository: The University of California, Irvine’s School of Information and Computer...