([email=user@host]user@host[/email]) for password. These databases can be found by executing "cd pub/machine-learning-databases". Notes: 1. We're always looking for addition al databases, which can be written to the sub-directory named "/incoming". Please send yours, with documentation. ...
This is the UCI Repository Of Machine Learning Databases and Domain Theories 4 December 1995 ftp.ics.uci.edu: pub/machine-learning-databases http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mlearn/MLRepository.html Librarian: Patrick M. Murphy (ml-repository@ics.uci.edu) 111 databases and domain theories (36MB) =...
(Boston) Housing database (from CMU StatLib library)43. ICU data (Serdar Uckun, AIM-94)44. Image segmentation database (Carla Brodley)45. ionosphere information (Vince Sigillito) 46. iris (R.A. Fisher, 1936)47. isolet (Ro 25、n Cole and Mark Fantys database donated by Tom ...
5. auto-mpg (from CMU StatLib library) 6. autos (Jeff Schlimmer) 7. badges (Haym Hirsh) 8. balance-scale (Tim Hume) 9. balloons (Michael Pazzani) 10. breast-cancer (Ljubljana Institute of Ontcology, restricted access) 11. breast-cancer-wisconsin (Wisconsin Breast Cancer D'base, Olvi...
Some beneficial features of the library include: Almost all datasets are drawn from the domain (as opposed to being synthetic), meaning that they have real-world qualities. Datasets cover a wide range of subject matter from biology to particle physics. ...
pub/machine-learning-databases 目录中找到。 注意: UCI一直都在寻找可加入的新数据,这些数据将被写入incoming 子目录中。 希望您能贡献您的数据,并提供相应的文档。谢谢——贡献过程可以参考 DOC-REQUIREMENTS 文件。目前,多数数据使用下面的格式:一个实例一行, ...
mr-library-master.zip 2024-10-28 13:23:19 积分:1 嵌入式开发embedded-development-learning-master.zip 2024-10-28 13:13:49 积分:1 debian-cn-linux操作系统 2024-10-28 11:55:50 积分:1 神经网络的分布式实现.zip 2024-10-28 07:36:37 ...
14.Auto MPG : Revised from CMU StatLib library, data concerns city-cycle fuel consumption 自动MPGDataSet :来自 CMU StatLib 实验室的精品,是与城市循环能源消耗相关的数据集。 15.Automobile : From 1985 Ward’s Automotive Yearbook 汽车DataSet :来自 1985 的沃德自动化年鉴。
14.Auto MPG : Revised from CMU StatLib library, data concerns city-cycle fuel consumption 自动MPGDataSet :来自 CMU StatLib 实验室的精品,是与城市循环能源消耗相关的数据集。 15.Automobile : From 1985 Ward's Automotive Yearbook 汽车DataSet :来自 1985 的沃德自动化年鉴。