最近又需要安装安卓的东东了,感觉Android Studio每次安装都会有各种问题。 今天记录一个 首先会看到The Android SDK location canot be at the filesystem root这个提醒,然后点击android sdk location的后面的edit的话会提示下面的错 错误二: SDK emulator directory is missing mac... ...
点击图中蓝色的Edit后,一直next到最后一个页面发现报错: SDK emulator directory is missing mac image.png 去官网下载有效的SDK http://www.android-studio.org image.png 点击SDK后跳转下载页面下载android-sdk image.png 解压文件,把里面的文件copy放到已经给出的/Android/sdk目录下搞定 如果路径缺失这两个文件夹...
如何获取设备的SDK版本、产品版本、设备类型(平板、手机)、build版本等信息 console.log和hilog的区别,如何选择使用 private标识日志的作用是什么,如何通过hilog打印的日志查看标识为private的内容 如何进行全局异常捕获机制,类似ANR机制 如何通过hdc命令将.hsp文件安装到设备中 如何查看ArkCompiler出现Error日志时...
Visual Studio for Mac prompts for microphone access when starting an Android emulator – Upstream. Building a .NET Core or ASP.NET Core 2.2 application inside Visual Studio for Mac will fail if you have the .NET Core 3 Preview 3 or higher SDKs installed on the machine. ...
Wearables can also run custom apps. Developers are provided with dedicated SDKs. However, as is the case for many mobile devices, each platform has its own specific API, which can be accessed through platform-specific programming languages and tools. To mak...
Updated the .NET SDK to 6.0.425. Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6.13 17.6.13 build 424 released Jul 11th 2024 Issues Addressed in this release of 17.6.13 Add .NET 7.0 is out of support information in the New Project dialog and in the Solution window. ...
解决过程在android-sdk目录中搜索sdkmanager,发现 1.sdkmanager位于 android-sdk/emulator/bin中; 2.android-sdk/tools/中并无 bin/目录 解决办法将 android-sdk/emulator/bin 目录拷贝至 android-sdk/tools/,再次执行 flutter doctor ,错误解决。
Xamarin is one of the preferred Android emulator software for Mac. There are step by step instructions throughout the setup process of this software. So that you find it comfortable working with. Your loved Android apps would run on a Mac using this program. Pros: You can get same day...
xamarin-android/d17-2/bbba5a2 Android SDK: /Users/jh/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx Supported Android versions: 12.0 (API level 31) 11.0 (API level 30) 10.0 (API level 29) SDK Command-line Tools Version: 5.0 SDK Platform Tools Version: 31.0.3 SDK Build Tools Version: 30.0...
Updated the .NET SDKs to 7.0.304 and 6.0.410 Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5.6 17.5.6 build 3 released May 23rd 2023 Issues Addressed in this release of 17.5.6 Fixed .NET workload project templates missing from the .NET categories in the New Project dialog. ...