针对您提出的“sdk emulator directory is missing”问题,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认SDK Emulator目录是否确实缺失 首先,需要确认Android SDK的安装目录中是否真的缺少emulator目录。通常,SDK的默认安装路径在C:\Users\<用户名>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk(Windows系统)或~/Android/Sdk(Linux/mac...
◦IPV4/IPV6:mirrors.opencas.cn端口:80ubuntu ◦IPV4/IPV6:mirrors.opencas.org端口:80服务器 ◦IPV4/IPV6:mirrors.opencas.ac.cn端口:80svg 2.上海GDG镜像服务器地址:xml sdk.gdgshanghai.com端口:8000htm 3.北京化工大学镜像服务器地址:get ◦IPv4:ubuntu.buct.edu.cn/端口:80it ◦IPv4:ubuntu....
在配置Android Studio的时候,报错SDK emulator directoryis missing。 图1-下载Android SDK失败 原因 根据提示,是缺少Android SDK,可以单独下载Android SDK,然后配置路径。也可以按照下面【解决方案】中的步骤配置代理,然后自动更新SDK来解决。 解决方案 1、在上图1 错误的弹窗里点击finish,会自动跳转到下图界面, 图2-...
Your device/emulator is connected to the internet. Your device/emulator Android version is within the supported range 29-34 inclusive. On your first run, you might need to set the log level to Verbose to get the Clarity logs. These logs could help identifying any initialization errors, if pr...
2. SDK emulator directory is missing. 3. unable to access Android-sdk add-on list. 安装AndroidStudio之后,第一次启动时会提醒未找到SDK 列表,这时候会让你配置代理,此时选择Auto-detect proxy settings项,键入http://maven.aliyun.com/nexus/content/groups/public/然后点击OK即可。
在系统重装后,尝试启动Android Studio,却遇到“No Android SDK found or SDK emulator directory is missing”的异常信息。点击“Next”后,问题显现,明确指出Android SDK的缺失。这可能是由于在系统重装过程中,Android SDK未被正确安装或配置。解决办法之一是单独下载Android SDK,然后在Android Studio中...
今天重刷系统,重装Android Studio时报了No Android SDK found 异常: 点击Next现象如下: 点击Next现象如下: 明显缺少Android SDK,可单独下载SDK,然后配置路径,也可如下配置下代理,自动更新SDK 然后重启Andro…
SDK emulator directory is missing 现象 681619419042_.pic_hd1046×637 20.3 KB 691619419042_.pic_hd1105×647 23.9 KB 可能原因: 下载后设置了proxy 解决方法 1.Configure下拉选择SDK manager并点击 2.选择HTTP proxy(System Setting下边) 3.勾选”No proxy“,点击”Apply“...
Another reason for the “SDK emulator directory is missing in the Android Studio” error might beinsufficient storage space. The Android SDK tools package would not get downloaded probably if you did not have the minimum amount of storage, i.e. minimum of 4.53 GB, at the location where you...
//关键提示: These tools are included in Android Studio. 行吧,又包含到Android Studio里面了是吧,设置打开 不是吧啊卓,说好的集成了呢? (随之在"Edit"后更改物理位置) //这是Android Studio给的sdk默认安装位置:C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk ...