the first 4 commands were successful, but the last command got error message: sudo: ldconfig: command not found Thanks David 👍 1 Contributor xfxyjwf commented Jan 9, 2017 "sudo ldconfig" is used on Linux to update shared library cache so the newly installed protobuf library can be corre...
cmake --build . --config Release #若出错,下面有解释 sudo make install sudo ldconfig #如果显示command not found,可直接跳过这句话 cd .. 下面这句话 cmake --build . --config Release 当时执行出现错误make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.百度之后说是需要执行./configure...
This can be done for example through the command export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This variable is sometimes deprecated in favor of the use of ldconfig. CFLAGS: contains flags used by the C compiler, and usually includes preprocessing directives like -IPREFIX/include ...
hue安装报错 今天在CDH平台上安装Hue,突然间报了这样一个错: 按照网络上的资料文件放在/usr/lib64/mysql目录下并修改/etc/ 执行完ldconfig命令后也是不起作用。 – 此问题暂时保留以后找到解决办法后 再处理。...单机版hue安装 MacOS环境,单机版。 第一步: 第二步: 第三步...
$ sudo ldconfig 1. 2. 3. 安装依赖 $ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libboost-all-dev $ sudo apt install libmysqlclient-dev 1. 2. 编译时指定库,否则报错 g++ test.cpp -o test -lmysqlcppconn 1. 示例 #include "mysql_connection.h" ...
ps aux | grep mysql ldconfig -p | grep mysql 如果这两个命令都没有返回任何结果,那么说明MySQL已经被成功卸载。你还可以尝试运行MySQL命令来确认: bash mysql --version 如果系统提示“command not found”,则说明MySQL已被成功卸载。 通过以上步骤,你应该能够彻底删除macOS上的MySQL。如果在任何步骤中遇到困...
If no errors are emitted you are ready for installation. Depending on whether the current user has permissions to write to the destination directory or not, you would either run make install OR sudo make install If you are on Linux, you want to runsudo ldconfigafter installation to make sure...
需要ldconfig参数给出所需要连接的库的位置, 所说的库为后缀为.a 或.so 或 .dylib 的ncursesw ncurses curses库, 生成ldflags的的脚本为: scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/ 上面报错的原因就是, MAC 系统下 ncursesw ncurses curses 这些库文件的位置不能通过 里给出命令来找到, 所...
go: found in v5.7.2 There are two ways to fix this but the easiest is to run this command: go mod tidy It adds the dependencies to thego.modfile. You will see something like the following when you display the content of the...
sudo ldconfig 通过在终端下,输入ffmpeg,如果获得有关版本信息则配置成功 mac处理 在mac下默认应该是没有安装gedit的,所以使用如下命令安装: brew install gedit 但是提示错误: Error: python@3.9: the bottle needs the Apple Command Line Tools to be installed. ...