1. 解释 ldconfig: command not found 错误信息的含义 这个错误信息表明你的系统当前环境中无法找到 ldconfig 命令。这可能是因为 ldconfig 没有被安装,或者它的可执行文件所在的目录没有被包含在环境变量 PATH 中。 2. 提供解决 ldconfig: command not found 问题的方法一:确认 ldconfig 是否安装 ...
/home/admin/kettle/data-integration/spoon.sh: line 227: java: command not found 三、解决方法 1.网上找了一堆,没有找到解决方法。 2.分析发现,问题应该是spoon.sh: line 118: ldconfig: command not found,crontab执行ldconfig失败了。(手动执行kettle能成功,所以应该不是缺少libwebkitgtk-1.0包的问题) 3....
command not foundhiz-depth-stencil-test-fbo-d24-s0: command not foundshotgun: command not foundaldo: command not foundas: command not foundgoto-cc: command not foundenq_ctndisp: command not foundgcc-nm-4.8: command not foundkeytool: command not foundtnameserv: command not foundhocr-gtk:...
the first 4 commands were successful, but the last command got error message: sudo: ldconfig: command not found Thanks David 👍 1 Contributor xfxyjwf commented Jan 9, 2017 "sudo ldconfig" is used on Linux to update shared library cache so the newly installed protobuf library can be corre...
To confirm that the initial Error was successfully FIXED, run the command that threw the exception! sudo apt-get --fix-broken install Fix “dpkg: warning: ‘ldconfig’ not found in PATH or not executable” in WSL Forum [ WSL ] | thetqweb...
ldconfig creates the necessary links and cache to themostrecent shared libraries foundinthe directories specified on thecommandline,inthefile/etc/ld.so.conf, andinthe trusted directories(/lib and /usr/lib). The cache is used by the run-time linker, ld.so or ld-linux.so. ldconfig checks the...
dpkg: warning:'start-stop-daemon'notfoundinPATHornotexecutable. These errors have been reported several times by Debian and Ubuntu users (you can actually Google them for more information). It seems like the PATH variable isn't correctly set when the user tries to execute a command through sud...
ldconfig是一个动态链接库管理命令,为了让动态链接库为系统所共享,还需运行动态链接库的管理命令–ldconfig。 ldconfig 命令的用途,主要是在默认搜寻目录(/lib和/usr/lib)以及动态库配置文件/etc/ld.so.conf内所列的目录下,搜索出可共享的动态链接库(格式如前介绍,lib*.so*),进而创建出动态装入程序(ld.so)所需...
No package 'glib-2.0' found configure: error: Library requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.4.0 atk >= 1.0.1 pango >= 1.4.0) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them. ...
If find_library indeed can't make a distinction between 32-bit and 64-bit, even when both are installed, it's indeed not much use. Do note that if ldconfig -p errors out, it doesn't make Lutris crash, it just keeps telling you that the Vulkan libraries haven't been found. Contribut...