These events led to the modulation of M2 polarization of macrophages, which eventually contributed to the alleviation of pulmonary fibrosis. Our results revealed a novel mechanism that may account for therapeutic effect of microcystin-LR on IPF....
Mice genetically engineered to have reduced numbers of CD206M2-like macrophages show a down-regulation of TGF尾 signaling in adipose tissue, together with up-regulated proliferation and differentiation of adipocyte progenitors. Our findings indicate that CD206M2-like macrophages in adipose tissues create...
M2-likemacrophagesimprovessystemicinsulinsensi- tivity,whichwasassociatedwithanincreasednumberofsmalleradipocytes.Micegenetically engineeredtohavereducednumbersofCD206 + M2-likemacrophagesshowadown-regulation ofTGFβsignalinginadiposetissue,togetherwithup-regulatedproliferationanddifferentiation ofadipocyteprogenitors.Ourfi...
Histiocytoid Sweet syndrome is infiltrated predominantly by M2-like macrophages. J Am Acad Dermatol 2015;72:131-139.Peroni A, Colato C, Schena D, Rongioletti F, Girolomoni G. Histiocytoid Sweet syndrome is infiltrated predominantly by M2-like macrophages. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2015; 72 (1)...
Dental pulp mesenchymal stem cell (DPSCs)-derived soluble factors, produced under hypoxic conditions, support angiogenesis via endothelial cell activation and generation of M2-like macrophages Ludovica Barone, Martina Cucchiara, Maria Teresa Palano, Barbara Bassani, Matteo Gallazzi, Federica Rossi,...
Adipose tissue resident macrophages have important roles in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis and regulate insulin sensitivity for example by secreting pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory cytokines. Here, we show that M2-like macrophages in adipose tissue regulate systemic glucose homeostasis by inhibi...
Pro-inflammatory (M1-like) macrophages have been shown to release several mediators of cell behavior such as IL-6, IL-1b, and TNF-a, that are osteoclastogenic, while pro-healing (M2-like) macrophages are associated with the release of osteoblastogenic signaling molecules. The emergence of "...
Pang, X., Wang, S., Zhang, al.Correction to: OSCC cell‑secreted exosomalCMTM6induced M2‑like macrophages polarization via ERK1/2 signaling pathway.Cancer Immunol Immunother71, 505–506 (2022). ...
Furthermore, we demonstrate that HMGB1 drives IL-10 production in M2-like macrophages by selectively signalling through the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End products (RAGE). Finally, we show that HMGB1 has an important role in murine B16 melanoma growth and metastasis, whereas in humans its ...
Beiging of white adipose tissue (WAT) is associated with an increase of anti-inflammatory M2-like macrophages in WAT. However, mechanisms through which M2-like macrophages affect beiging are incompletely understood. Here, we show that the macrophage cyto