LysM receptor-like kinases (LysM RLKs) are instrumental in this perception process. LysM RLKs also play a role in activating transcription of chitin-responsive genes (CRGs) in plants. Mutations in the LysM kinase receptor genes or the downstream CRGs may affect the fungal susceptibility of a ...
摘要:Perception of chitin fragments (chitooligosaccharides) is an important first step in plant defense response against fungal pathogen. LysM receptor-like kinases (LysM RLKs) are instrumental in this perception process. LysM RLKs also play a role in activating transcription of chitin-responsive genes...
4 LysM结构域蛋白识别病原体相关分 子模式后的下游信号传递 目前, 我们对LysM结构域蛋白识别病原体相关分子 模式后的下游信号传递过程还知之甚少.与以往关于 鞭毛蛋白受体FLS2和延伸因子受体EFR的研究结果 类似 , 拟南芥受体类胞质激酶 (receptor-like cyto- plasmic kinases, RLCKs) BIK1可能与AtCERK1相互 作用...
这一类蛋白根据亚细胞定位的预测和 结构域的差异 , 可以分为 LysM受 体类激酶 (LysM- containing receptor-like kinases, LYKs),LysM受体 类蛋白(LysM-containing receptor-like protein, LY- Ps),细胞外LysM蛋白(extracellular LysM, LysMe) 及非分泌型胞内LysM蛋白(intracellular non-secre- tory LysM genes, ...
Moreover, we showed that downstream signaling events, such as activation of MAP kinases and generation of ROS, depend on CERK1 kinase activity. In analogy to mechanisms known from mammalian growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases (43), chitin binding-induced homodimerization and autophosphorylation of...
Molecular evolution of lysin motif-type receptor-like kinases in plants Plant Physiol., 144 (2007), pp. 623-636 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 39 S. Radutoiu, L.H. Madsen, E.B. Madsen, H.H. Felle, Y. Umehara, M. Gronlund, S. Sato, Y. Nakamura, S. Tabata, N. Sandal, et al....
MAMP-triggered plant immunity mediated by the LysM-receptor kinase CERK1 Lysin motif (LysM) receptor-like proteins/kinases (LysM-RLPs/RLKs) are well known to play an important role in the induction of defense or symbiosis signal... NKH Desaki - 《Journal of General Plant Pathology》 被引量...
LysM 结构域及其与植物-真菌相互作用的关系 江聪1, 2, 黄敏仁1, 徐立安1* 1 南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 南京 210037; 2 西北农林科技大学西农-普度联合研究中心, 杨凌 712100 摘要 在长期的进化过程中, 植物与真菌之间形成了复杂而又紧密的联系, 其中最主要的就是侵染与防御的关系。植物的抗病性由于...
摘要 在长期的进化过程中, 植物与真菌之间形成了复杂而又紧密的联系, 其中最主要的就是侵染与防御的关系。植物的抗病性由于涉及农作物、林木的生长与产量, 逐渐成为研究热点。在植物免疫系统中, 对病原真菌的识别是一个重要环节。目前认为在这一过程中, LysM 结构域起到了极为关键的作用。植物细胞膜上有含LysM ...
Lysin motif (LysM) receptor-like proteins/kinases (LysM-RLPs/RLKs) are well known to play an important role in the induction of defense or symbiosis signaling through the recognition of carbohydrate ligands in plants. Chitin elicitor receptor kinase 1 (CERK1) is the receptor-like kinase (RLK)...