How excellent Is thy name Come on, lift your voice to Him and sing Oh, Lord (How) How excellent (Nobody like our God) How excellent (Pure in all of his ways) How excellent (Come on, lift it up to the King) How excellent
Emily Ann Roberts "O Praise Thy Name": I cast my mind to Calvary Where Jesus bled and died for me I see His wounds, His hands, His feet My...
Lyrics: Young And Beautiful by Lana Del Rey I’ve seen the world, done it all Had my cake now Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel Air now Hot summer nights, mid-July When you and I were forever wild The crazy days, city lights The way you’d play with me like a child Will you still l...
Anyway, the line "Leise wiegt dich deiner Mutter Hand" should mean something along the lines of "your mother's hand is quietly rocking your cradle". "Suessen Grabe" should mean sweet grave, how macabre, but that's Schubert for you. Ok, here's a non-rhyming translation of the first t...
How about yours? How about yours? How about yours? I guess if You feel the best when Your life is hectic You might be destined To stay defective So join the club, it ain’t that hard to get in It’s hard to leave though
Thaman S and composed by S. Thaman with lyrics are penned by Yugabharathi. The movie stars Silambarasan,Nidhi Agerwal playing the main roles in this film. It’s going to be the most loved song of the album by all music lovers and the singer’s voice is excellent to the movie. it ...
I just love political parodies and this one is certainly no exception! Very Well Written and Really Excellent idea!! I'll cast a 5-5-5 vote for this one. :-) WarrenB-July 16, 2010-Report this comment Guy- I'll definitely check the parody out this weekend. And I will have another...
May I whip this parody out next time someone accuses me of being egotistical (happens surprisingly often!) :) Excellent concept, excellent write -- two peas in a shell, are we in thought here. Top Fives. TJC-August 13, 2009-Report this comment ...
But ever, sure, whil e one i s left o f all th at honoured race, In front of Ireland s' chi valry is th at Fitz gerald s' place 5 And th ough the las t were dead and gone, how many a fi e ld and town, From Th omas Court to Abbe yfe ile , woul d ch eri sh their...
Is the only way to make friendships grow But I’m too afraid now, yeah, yeah I’ll put my armor on, Show you how strong I am I’ll put my armor on, I’ll show you that I am I’m unstoppable I’m a Porsche with no brakes ...