becoming “Jesus” in the 17th-century Geneva Bible) was fairly common in 1st-century Palestine, it was given special weight by divine authority (both Mary and Joseph were told by God’s messenger, “You must name him Jesus.”) And its literal meaning, “Yahweh is salvation,” became full...
As the country lyric has it correctly about himself and us all: “I’ve looked for love in all the wrong places”. There is only person and place to look for the meaning of love and His Name is Jesus Christ and the place is His Cross. The utter darkness of the heart is met by J...
1 GATHERED to Thy name, Lord Jesus, Gathered here with one accord, Thine own self we own among us, Faithful to Thy promised word; May our eyes on Thee, blest Saviour, Rest with one unceasing gaze, And our hearts, with Thee enraptured, ...
Off topic-Suspicious0bservers Excellent Solar Weather Channel Jazweeh Says No War Will Happen & Angry Jane Concurs Butt! They may televise a very elaborate FAKE WAR on the image of the beast. (TV). Expect it. They will likely show a nuclear explosion. And speak of fallout that doesn’...
2 Thy name we love, Lord Jesus;It tells God's love unboundedTo ruined man, ere time began,Or heaven and earth were founded;Thine is a love eternal,That found in us its pleasure,That brought Thee low, to bear our woe,And make us Thine own treasure.3 Thy name we love, Lord Jesus;...
It was an excellent suggestion! But, as my funk started yesterday, the word SHINE crossed my mind. I scowled at myself and told myself I didn’t feel like shining just then… but the word grew on me. Daddy’s calendar on 12/26/18 said,“We are all broken. That’s how the ...