But the Florida Lyme Disease Association says Florida is among the top 20 states for the number of cases reported every year. To make matters worse, people who suffer Lyme disease in the South face significant challenges due to both misinformation and poor awareness. The Centers for Disease ...
Lyme disease; Borrelia burgdorferi; Tick-borne disease; spirochete Purpose To review the presentation, treatment, and prevention of Lyme disease in primary care. Data Sources Selected articles from the scientific literature and the Centers for Disease Control. Conclusions Lyme disease is a tick-borne,...
In the USA, Ixodes scapularis also vectors the infectious agents that cause human babesiosis, human granulocytic anaplasmosis, tick-borne relapsing fever and Powassan encephalitis. The increased incidence and distribution of Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases5 necessitates new approaches for ...
Ticks transmit more pathogens to humans and animals than any other arthropod. We describe the 2.1 Gbp nuclear genome of the tick,Ixodes scapularis(Say), which vectors pathogens that cause Lyme disease, human granulocytic anaplasmosis, babesiosis and other diseases. The large genome reflects accu...