Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by the bite of an infected black-legged tick, also known as a deer tick.Lyme diseaseis primarily known for causing a rash and flu-like symptoms, but according to theCDC, it can persist in some people and lead to what is called Post-Treatment ...
scapularis extends from Florida and Texas in the South to Maine and Wisconsin in the North, but there are both genetic and behavioral difference between the southern and northern forms. It was unknown in most of the northern states until Lyme disease was discovered and it was described as a ...
The first documented case in a dog was published in 1984 from an endemic area in Connecticut. Since that clinical description, the incidence of the reported disease in dogs has substantially increased.Gregory TroyDVM NewsmagazineTroy, Gregory. Canine Lyme disease still raises debate on definitive ...
In the USA, Ixodes scapularis also vectors the infectious agents that cause human babesiosis, human granulocytic anaplasmosis, tick-borne relapsing fever and Powassan encephalitis. The increased incidence and distribution of Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases5 necessitates new approaches for ...
Geographic information systems combined with methods of spatial analysis provide powerful new tools for understanding the epidemiology of diseases and for improving disease prevention and control. In this study, the spatial distribution of a newly recognized tick-borne disease, human granulocytic ehrlichiosis...
(HealthDay)—Lyme disease may be grossly under-reported in the United States. Government researchers say the tick-borne infection affects about 10 times as many Americans as previously indicated by confirmed case reports.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Lyme disease is the fastest growing vector-borne infectious disease in the U.S. today, with an estimated incidence of upwards of 300,000 cases every year. Unfortunately, deer ticks carry other infections along with Lyme disease...
Animal behavior can have profound effects on pathogen transmission and disease incidence. We studied the questing (= host-seeking) behavior of blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis) nymphs, which are the primary vectors of Lyme disease in the eastern United States. Lyme disease is common in northern...
Ticks transmit more pathogens to humans and animals than any other arthropod. We describe the 2.1 Gbp nuclear genome of the tick, Ixodes scapularis (Say), which vectors pathogens that cause Lyme disease, human granulocytic anaplasmosis, babesiosis and