/root/kernel/x86_64_kernel/0025/libs/lwip/netif/slipif.c:150: undefined reference to `sio_send' /root/kernel/x86_64_kernel/0025/libs/lwip/netif/slipif.c:156: undefined reference to `sio_send' libs/lwip/netif/slipif.o:/root/kernel/x86_64_kernel/0025/libs/lwip/netif/slipif.c:140: ...
uint32_t regvalue=0; ..\LwIP-2.0.3\config\ethernetif.c:1warning,0errors linking... .\Objects\stm32f767.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol sio_open (referred from slipif.o). .\Objects\stm32f767.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol sio_send (referred from slipif.o). .\Objects\s...
void sio_send( uint8 x,void* p){ U0THR = x; // 发送数据 while( (U0LSR&0x40)==0 ); } void * sio_open( uint8 x){ Udata =OSMboxCreate((void*)0); InitUart0(9600);//57600 return ((void *)x); } uint8 sio_recv(void* p){ static uint16 x; void *msg; uint8 err; whi...
The real destination address // @pcb->local_port: The real destination port // @pcb->remote_ip: The real source address // @pcb->remote_port: The real source port // @addr: Unused // @port: Unused // Send with source address udp_sendfrom (pcb, p, real_src_ip, real_src_port...
sio_send(). sio_[recv|send]() essentially read from the serial port and return the read data and write the given byte to the serial port. sio_open() ensures the serial port has the correct setup. Just in case I might have this wrong, is this their expected function?
无论是线程环境还是main循环函数环境,都需要应用sio_write()。 /** * Writes to the serial device. * * @param fd serial device handle * @param data pointer to data to send * @param len length (in bytes) of data to send * @return number of bytes actually sent ...
void sio_send(u8_t c, sio_fd_t fd) { mp_obj_type_t *type = mp_obj_get_type(MP_STATE_VM(lwip_slip_stream)); int error; type->stream_p->write(MP_STATE_VM(lwip_slip_stream), &c, 1, &error); }u32_t sio_tryread(sio_fd_t fd, u8_t *data, u32_t len) { mp_...
我们先把无操作性移植的代码拷贝过来,再往工程中添加操作系统的源码,操作系统的源码可以从我们对外发布的例程中获取,也可以从官网获取,此处以FreeRTOS为例进行移植操作。 首先将FreeRTOS源码拷贝到工程文件夹下,具体见 图8‑1拷贝FreeRTOS源码到工程文件夹下 9.1.2. 添加FreeRTOS源码到工程组文件夹 在上一步我们...
标准TCP/IP协议是用于计算机通信的一组协议,通常称为TCP/IP协议栈,通俗讲就是符合以太网通信要求的代码集合,一般要求它可以实现图 TCP_IP混合参考模型 中每个层对应的协议,比如应用层的HTTP、FTP、DNS、SMTP协议,传输层的TCP、UDP协议、网络层的IP、ICMP协议等等。关于TCP/IP协议详细内容推荐阅读《TCP-IP详解》和...
* The sio_write function used by PPP now takes the data argument as const. (2.2.0) ++ Repository changes: * The contrib repository has been added into the main repository in the subdirectory 'contrib' (the old contrib repository remains online for reference but is not used any more) ...