/root/kernel/x86_64_kernel/0025/libs/lwip/netif/slipif.c:389: undefined reference to `sio_open' libs/lwip/netif/slipif.o: In function `slipif_poll': /root/kernel/x86_64_kernel/0025/libs/lwip/netif/slipif.c:436: undefined reference to `sio_tryread' libs/lwip/core/timeouts.o: In f...
未定义符号 sio_open 解决:别引进来 slipif.c。 去除slipif.c 再编译,通过。 Build started: Project: stm32f767*** Using Compiler'V5.06 update 6 (build 750)', folder:'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin'Build target'stm32f767'compiling main.c... ..\User\../Middlewares/inc/dma.h(18): warni...
port. sio_open() ensures the serial port has the correct setup. Just in case I might have this wrong, is this their expected function? For staring up lwip and configuring for slip I essentially do the same procedure as when I was trying to use the loopback driver: ...
sio_fd_t sio_open(u8_t dvnum) { // We support singleton SLIP interface, so just return any truish value. return (sio_fd_t)1; }void sio_send(u8_t c, sio_fd_t fd) { mp_obj_type_t *type = mp_obj_get_type(MP_STATE_VM(lwip_slip_stream)); ...
V1.4.1与V2.1.2的文件对比 根目录 从解压后的文件结构可以看出,结构上没有改动,因为用了git,所以增加了两个相关的文件,并添加了另外两个文件。 doc文件夹 主要...
case PPPERR_OPEN: { printf("status_cb: Unable to open PPP session\n"); break; } case PPPERR_DEVICE: { printf("status_cb: Invalid I/O device for PPP\n"); break; } case PPPERR_ALLOC: { printf("status_cb: Unable to allocate resources\n"); ...
calling sio_read_abort() if the file descriptor is valid. 2011-03-14: Simon Goldschmidt * err.h/.c, sockets.c, api_msg.c: fixed bug #31748 (Calling non-blocking connect more than once can render a socket useless) since it mainly involves changing ...
calling sio_read_abort() if the file descriptor is valid. 2011-03-14: Simon Goldschmidt * err.h/.c, sockets.c, api_msg.c: fixed bug #31748 (Calling non-blocking connect more than once can render a socket useless) since it mainly involves changing ...
is set to the full send window for active open, too, and is updated once after SYN to ensure the correct send window is used 2015-08-28: Simon Goldschmidt * tcp: fixed bug #45559: Window scaling casts u32_t to u16_t without checks 2015...