这是CMakeLists.txt文件,引用fatfs组件。前面说过,fatfs被集成在IDF组件中了,要使用包含即可。 sd_fat.h头文件。 sd_fat.c源文件。 接下来就是把FATFS与LVGL的文件系统接入口对接起来。按道理来说只需把FATFS的那些文件操作的API丢进LVGL文件系统的接入口就OK了的。但是,LVGL官方专门为ESP32的文件系统移植做了...
* For example FatFS has `FIL`. In this case use `typedef FIL file_t`*/typedefstruct{/*Add the data you need to store about a file*/uint32_t dummy1; uint32_t dummy2; }file_t;/*Similarly to `file_t` create a type for directory reading too*/typedefstruct{/*Add the data you n...
这是CMakeLists.txt文件,引用fatfs组件。前面说过,fatfs被集成在IDF组件中了,要使用包含即可。 sd_fat.h头文件。 sd_fat.c源文件。 接下来就是把FATFS与LVGL的文件系统接入口对接起来。按道理来说只需把FATFS的那些文件操作的API丢进LVGL文件系统的接入口就OK了的。但是,LVGL官方专门为ESP32的文件系统移植做了...
* For example FatFS has `FIL`. In this case use `typedef FIL file_t`*/typedefstruct{/*Add the data you need to store about a file*/uint32_t dummy1; uint32_t dummy2; }file_t;/*Similarly to `file_t` create a type for directory reading too*/typedefstruct{/*Add the data you n...
LVGL (9.2.2) and espressif/libpng (^1.6.39~1) are managed components by idf_component, and FatFS comes from ESP-IDF. When I activate option "PNG decoder (libpng) library" in 3rd-party libs of LVGL, the buidl fails due to LVGL cannot resolve <png.h>, which is in espressif/libpng....
LVGL (9.2.2) and espressif/libpng (^1.6.39~1) are managed components by idf_component, and FatFS comes from ESP-IDF. When I activate option "PNG decoder (libpng) library" in 3rd-party libs of LVGL, the buidl fails due to LVGL cannot resolve <png.h>, which is in espressif/libpng....
LVGL (9.2.2) and espressif/libpng (^1.6.39~1) are managed components by idf_component, and FatFS comes from ESP-IDF. When I activate option "PNG decoder (libpng) library" in 3rd-party libs of LVGL, the buidl fails due to LVGL cannot resolve <png.h>, which is in espressif/libpng....
LVGL (9.2.2) and espressif/libpng (^1.6.39~1) are managed components by idf_component, and FatFS comes from ESP-IDF. When I activate option "PNG decoder (libpng) library" in 3rd-party libs of LVGL, the buidl fails due to LVGL cannot resolve <png.h>, which is in espressif/libpng....
在此之前需要建立一个已经移植好lvgl的ESP32 arduino工程,我已经移植好了一个工程 然后参考雉晖君的小项目,我也对SD卡,屏幕的等做了面向对象的封装,然后把雉晖君移植好的 lv_port_fatfs.c和lv_port_fatfs.h放到我的工程下面,尝试编译,中间发现会出错,继续查看官方文档改改之后编译就通过了,具体可以看我的代码...
main_esp32s3/CMakeFiles/__idf_main_esp32s3.dir/__/modsocket.c.obj [1370/2050] Building C object esp-idf/main_esp32s3/CMakeFiles/__idf_main_esp32s3.dir/Users/yusuhua/Documents/github/lvgl_micropython/lib/micropython/lib/oofatfs[1371/2050] Building C object esp-idf/main_esp32s3/C...