I'm trying to enable the bare minimum lvgl functionality (monospace font and labels) but i'm getting the following compiler error: It's the first time i get this kind of error and tried reducing the heap size to solve it without success, i must be doing something silly as i think lvgl...
第303行,将LV_TICK_CUSTOM设为1 #defineLV_TICK_CUSTOM 1 第384行,将列出的字体全部设为1,在lv_examples中,用到了很多不同的字体大小。 #defineLV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_8 1#defineLV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_10 1#defineLV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_12 1#defineLV_FONT_MONTSERRAT_14 1#define...
#if 1/*Set it to "1" to enable content*/ 第23行,输入自己显示器的尺寸,笔者的尺寸大小是480x320。 defineLV_HOR_RES_MAX(480)defineLV_VER_RES_MAX(320) 第32行,设置自己显示器的颜色深度,笔者对自己显示器的颜色深度也不是很了解,故使用的默认值16。 第303行,将LV_TICK_CUSTOM设为1 #define LV...
如果LV_TICK_CUSTOM==1,那么你就不用lv_tick_inc()提供时钟了 */#defineLV_TICK_CUSTOM 1#ifLV_TICK_CUSTOM/* ↓ 这里可以指定时钟源提供器,例如STM32的HAL库的HAL_GetTick() */#defineLV_TICK_CUSTOM_INCLUDE "stm32f1xx_hal.h"/*Header for the system time function*/#defineLV_TICK_...
enable lv_observer d970d3f follow LVGL changes 14058be follow LVGL changes a2e14df update lvgl 0871cda This was referencedJan 11, 2024 CollaboratorAuthor PGNetHuncommentedJan 12, 2024• edited @kisvegabor,@XuNeo,@kdschlosser, Could you please review & approve this big PR?
srcfont下所有文件 srchal下所有文件 srclayouts所有子文件夹文件 srclibs所有子文件夹文件 srcmisc下所有...
timer_enable(TIMER1);} void TIMER1_IRQHandler(){ if (timer_interrupt_flag_get(TIMER1, TIMER_...
#if LV_ENABLE_GLOBAL_CUSTOM /** Header to include for custom 'lv_global' function" */ #define LV_GLOBAL_CUSTOM_INCLUDE <stdint.h> #endif /** Default cache size in bytes. * Used by image decoders such as `lv_lodepng` to keep the decoded image in memory. * If size is not...
使能,将3个文件#if 0改为#if 1/*Set it to "1" to enable content*/ 修改lv_drv_conf.h: #defineUSE_FBDEV 1#defineUSE_EVDEV 1 修改lv_demo_conf.h: #defineLV_USE_DEMO_WIDGETS 1 修改lv_conf.h: 配置Tick interface: #defineLV_TICK_CUSTOM 1#ifLV_TICK_CUSTOM#defineLV_TICK_CUSTOM_INCLUDE...
/*Enable the log module*/ #define LV_USE_LOG 1 //by zxx #if LV_USE_LOG 1. 2. 3. 注意,此时的等级是:WARN,INFO打印的东西太多了没必要。 #define LV_LOG_LEVEL LV_LOG_LEVEL_WARN 1. 2.2、使用gdb 2.2.1、添加编译选项: 2.2.2、gdb调试 ...