Continue lvgl/lv_binding_js#15 Introduce the problem Now we have lv_font_load() to load a font from a binary file but in some cases it would be great to have an option to load the font from a buffer as well. Examples and cases Would be useful for the JavaScript binding It's faste...
lv_conf_t conf; lv_init(&conf); // 创建显示对象 disp = lv_disp_create(NULL, &conf); // 加载字体 lv_font_load_bitmap("font.bmp", &font); // 获取字符信息 lv_font_get_info(font, &lv_font_info); // 计算字符宽度 int char_width = lv_font_info.height; printf("字符宽度:%d ...
); lv_obj_set_style_text_font(ltr_label, &lv_font_montserrat_16, 0); lv_obj_set_width(ltr_label, 310); lv_obj_align(ltr_label, LV_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT, 5, 5); lv_obj_t * rtl_label = lv_label_create(lv_screen_active()); lv_label_set_text(rtl_label,"מעבד, א...
之后在luat_lib_lvgl_font.c中对lua暴露你的字库就可以了 /* 获取内置字体 @api lvgl.font_get(name) @string 字体名称+字号, 例如 opposans_m_10 simsun_48 @return userdata 字体指针 @usage local font = lvgl.font_get("simsun_48") */ int luat_lv_font_get(lua_State *L) { lv_font_t* ...
lv_font_t *my_font; my_font = lv_font_load("S:/myfont.bin"); if (my_font == NULL) { Serial.println("font load failed"); } static lv_style_t font_style; lv_style_init(&font_style); lv_style_set_text_font(&font_style, my_font); ...
// load font file into sdram res = f_open(&f_font, "0:/Font/lv_font_song_16.bin", FA...
8. Large 75 pixel font needs ~3256 bytes in FLASH, only characters#defineLOAD_GFXFF// FreeFonts. Include access to the 48 Adafruit_GFX free fonts FF1 to FF48 and custom fonts#defineSMOOTH_FONT#defineSPI_FREQUENCY 79000000#defineSPI_READ_FREQUENCY 20000000#defineSPI_TOUCH_FREQUENCY 2500000 ...
#define TFT_CS 16 // Chip select control pin #define TFT_DC 4 // Data Command control pin #define TFT_RST 17 // Reset pin (could connect to Arduino RESET pin) // 如果不存在 BL ,即背光控制,只需要置为 -1 即可 #define TFT_BL -1 // LED back-light #define LOAD_GLCD // Font ...
当你创建了一个像screen = lv.obj()这样的界面对象时,你可以用lv.scr_load(screen)激活它。 lv.scr_act()函数为当前活动的界面对象。 事件(Events)# 要为对象设置事件回调,请使用obj.add_event_cb(event_cb, lv.EVENT.type, user_data), 要手动向对象发送事件,请使用lv.event_send(obj, lv.EVENT.type...
error: unknown type name 'lv_scr_load_anim_t'; did you mean 'lv_screen_load_anim_t'?| 则是由于新的函数命名不同,可以按照后面的提示,改为 lv_screen_load_anim_t 即可(其他还有 lv_screen_load_anim 等也类似处理)。 还有一个报错是:undefined reference to `lv_mem_free',改为 lv_free 即可...