LV_MEM_SIZE 报错 由于安装的kvm需要扩容,研究了下lvm的使用。 LVM(Logical Volume Manager)逻辑卷管理器,做法是将物理分区通过软件组合未一个独立的大磁盘(VG,卷组),然后把这个大磁盘分成新的分区(LV,逻辑卷)挂载使用。 物理分区加上8e的sysem id之后,通过pvcreate转成物理卷(pv),调整System ID用fdisk命令。
51CTO博客已为您找到关于LV_MEM_SIZE 报错的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及LV_MEM_SIZE 报错问答内容。更多LV_MEM_SIZE 报错相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
DPI: #define LV_DPI 100 提供给lvgl的空间: #define LV_MEM_SIZE (32U * 1024U) 其中调整LV_DPI 可以调整各控件间的紧凑,可根据实际情况进行更改;LV_MEM_SIZE 为lvgl可用空间,资源允许的情况下可以稍微设大些,这个设置过小的话,在跑一些稍微复杂的demo时界面就会刷不出来。 这里只是列出了几个常用的配置...
Perform all steps below and tick them with [x] Read the FAQ Check the related part of the Documentation Update lvgl to the latest version Reproduce the issue in a Simulator Describe the bug The default value of LV_MEM_SIZE in the 'lv_con...
useLV_MEM_CUSTOM choose a larger default heap size (such as the recommended >48 kB), which would fix most run-time crashes, but would probably result in quite a few build failures due to insufficient memory. If you have an opinion on how to handle the default heap size for lvgl, let...
增加lvgl最大使用内存 #define LV_MEM_SIZE (1024U * 1024U)打开CPU占用和FPS指示 #define LV_U...
The LV_MEM_SIZE macro in lv_conf.h should be 128 KiB or larger because you may meet the out of memory issue when you are using the 64-bit simulator. Note: In this project, the size is set to 256 KiB. Users need to check the target selected in Visual Studio, because the simulator...
The LV_MEM_SIZE macro in lv_conf.h should be 128KiB or larger because you may meet the out of memory issue when you are using the 64-bit simulator. Note: In this project, the size is set to 1024KiB. Users need to check the target selected in Visual Studio, because the ...
/*Default cache size in bytes. *Used by image decoders such as `lv_lodepng` to keep the decoded image in the memory. *If size is not set to 0, the decoder will fail to decode when the cache is full. *If size is 0, the cache function is not enabled and the decoded mem will ...
LV5800是一款支持多格式数字信号(HD/SD SDI)的多功能波形监视器。采用模块化结构,可自由组合多种功能于一身。有4个输入插槽和2个输出插槽,各输入、输出单元独立运行。特别是数字音频单元,插入输入插槽可输入数字音频,而插入输出插槽则可将SDI信号嵌入音频解嵌输出。彩色液晶显示器可4画面独立显示各自内容。一幅...